Long Time No See...

I hope everyone has been reading the new Real Batman Chronology Project website where I have been hard at work on a former Earth-Two Batman (Golden Age) chronology.  The New Age (DCnU/New 52) chronology will be coming soon, so no worries for all those concerned I have given up on new comics.

Also, is anyone else excited for Grant Morrison's Leviathan Strikes! one-shot coming out this week?  In case you didn't already know, this is officially (DC even released a statement) the final Batman story in the "previous continuity."  "Previous continuity": DC's words, not mine.  This means that this issue will be the definitive swan song for the Modern Age Batman.  I'm especially stoked because this also means that Morrison can literally do whatever he wants, right?  I mean, the final Batman story for a continuity that no longer exists?  Written by Morrison?  Can't wait!

ALSO!!!  I just fixed a huge bug that has been affecting my blog for the past six months.  My followers weren't showing up and no one could add me either!  BUT IT IS FIXED!  So ADD ME!

Mirror Site Up (Under Construction)

I FINALLY have a mirror site up and running (at THE REAL BATMAN CHRONOLOGY PROJECT).  Most of anything new will now happen on the mirror site.  Bear in mind that the site is in the serious beta phase and will be under construction for quite some time to come.  Please check it out!  In a nice nod to all my fine followers, readers, and contributors I've added footnotes to the new website based off of the wonderful "diver's hands" comments from the blog and from various E-mails I've received over the years.  Oh, and for anyone wondering, this blog will continue with sporadic posts about comicdom and Batman stuff, so feel free to frequent both sites and offer opinions, suggestions, etc...

Thanks everyone!  --Collin C

And Now For Something Completely Different

Well, not that different, but I will be wrapping up the blog in its current incarnation and re-editing the intro to explain this version as a sort of "Chronology of the Modern Age of Batman" or "Chronology of the Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths Batman" if you prefer.  The DCnU is upon us and its a brand new relaunching/rebooting of history for the DCU, the likes of which haven't been seen since the original Crisis in 1986.  The projected changes (and confirmed changes) to the overall past of the DCU are drastic enough that I cannot simply re-edit this my timeline and continue on.  As far as I'm concerned as of next week, the Modern Age is finally over (in a sense).

With that said, what is my next step?  I'm going to create a brand new chronology for the new DCU using the same exact format.  Hopefully, it will be a little more aesthetically pleasing and have a .com this time around.  I'm also thinking about doing a completely separate blog that tracks the history of a pre-Crisis Batman, a truly Herculean task that might kill me, but we'll see.

So, keep your collective eyeballs peeled for more Batman chronology/timeline stuff from yours truly in the coming months.

Oh, one more thing.  I'm pretty content with the content (hehe) of this blog, meaning I'm fairly satisfied with the lengthy and detailed list we've (me and everyone who helped) come up with so far.  But the task never really ends does it?  Even if this chronology "wraps up with a neat little bow," there is always editing and fact-checking to be done.  Since I don't have staff or an editor I've written and done all the research primarily by myself.  Therefore I always find typos and sporadic errors here and there.  Likewise, it's possible that there might be some placement issues for certain stories as well.  So, any continued input and comments from any reader is still much appreciated and will always be appreciated.

As I write this, there are only a select few stories that I've left off the list that might need to be added.  First on the list are both Kevin Smith's "Cacophony" and its unfinished sequel "Widening Gyre."  Until "Widening Gyre" finishes, it's hard to place this story (or to even fully determine whether it's canon or not).  The same can be said for Neil Adam's madcap surreal "Odyssey" story-arc that has six more issues to wrap.  Although, there is a fairly high percentage chance that there is no way in sweet hell that "Odyssey" can be canon.  But here's crossing my fingers that it is somehow.  Also on the list is Grant Morrison's continued "Levianthan"/Batman Incorporated mega arc (including Bryan Q. Miller's Batgirl #22 and probably some of David Finch's ongoing Dark Knight series that left a lot of threads hanging).  While this epic "Leviathan"/Batman Inc story arc will definitely close out the Modern Age proper for Batman, it remains to be seen if the actual post-Flashpoint issues will be a part of the Modern Age canon, or simply reference material to close out the era.  Come to think of it, can anything written post-Flashpoint really be considered a part of the Modern Age/pre-reboot-relaunch-whatever DCU?  I guess it's really up to us to decide.  If anyone can think of any other Batman tale from any era that they think I've overlooked or should be included, please don't hesitate to tell me (either through comments on on this post or via E-mail at therealbatmanchronologyproject@gmail.com).  Sorry, I made that gmail account before I realized how stupidly long the name was.

As always, thanks for reading, everyone.  If you enjoy any part of the website, please add yourself as a follower.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: Here's to the future!

--Collin Colsher

Thoughts on the relaunch?

"You should be extremely excited, not extremely worried!  I can say no more.  Stay tuned!" --Batman Incorporated artist Chris Burnham, in regard to those wary of DC's announced September company-wide relaunch

"What Dan DiDio is doing is correct, massively gutsy, and long overdue.  More power to him." --Wonder Woman writer J. Michael Straczynski, in regard to publisher Dan DiDio's decision to relaunch the entire line

In my very first post I discussed relaunches, reboots, and retcons and what makes them bad and good.  To refresh your memory: In my opinion, a bad retcon/reboot is one that simply ignores past stories and changes continuity.  A good (or better, anyway) retcon is one that uses an in-story event to alter the past and therefore alter continuity.  In this latter version, which I've previously referred to as a "pure retcon," the reboot becomes a part of the history.  My opinions on the subject still haven't changed.

Is there a possibility that the Flashpoint reboot will render this chronology blog obsolete?  I sure hope not!  The original Crisis, Zero Hour, and Infinite Crisis all, to some extent, functioned as company-wide reboots.  However, a chronological historical structure was still maintained with each of those mega-events.  They all fell into the realm of the "pure reboot" or could be interpreted as such.  Now, I'm not going to weigh in on Flashpoint and the reboot until it actually happens.  But hopefully it's a fun and engaging read that not only lives up to its hype, but alters the DCU in a respectful way to its current history.

I trust the exclamations of Chris Burnham and JMS.  And with those in mind I'm not worried! After all, DC already has a bunch of parallel Earths to work with including First Wave, All-Star, or Earth One if they really want to construct a refreshed and rebooted DCU.  I think no matter what occurs, at the very least, I might have to do some serious editing on here.  But what do you guys think?  I know it is pure speculation at this point, but how will the reboot effect continuity?  Furthermore, what would YOU like to see happen?

Oh, and, I'm not the only one wondering what's up.  Please, please read this wonderful article by Newsarama Senior Editor Michael Doran.

AND also read this:  Brilliant article by Kelly Thompson!

AND ONE MORE article featuring words of divine wisdom from Greg Hatcher.

UPDATE:  Ok, so on 6/6/11, Morrison FINALLY chimed in and said that Batman Incorporated will go on hiatus after issue #10, but then will be relaunched with a new Batman Incorporated #1 in 2012.  He also said that he will pen a 12 issue Batman: Leviathan series in 2012 that will incorporate (no pun intended) all aspects of his entire run since he began working on Batman almost six years ago.  SO, it would appear as if the reboot/relaunch won't really effect Morrison's run?  The same thing has been hinted at in regard to Geoff John's also lengthy and also continuity-heavy Green Lantern run of the past several years.  I'm still having trouble imagining what the DCU is going to look like when the dust settles, but at least (or so it would seem) DC higher-ups aren't going to mess with their big-money books (Batman and Green Lantern) and their (arguably) two top writers.

UPDATE 2:  I added this in comments, but here it is in case y'all don't read comments.  Vaneta Rogers posted an amazing inquisitive piece regarding the continuity of the DCnU on Newsarama.

UPDATE 3:  WHOA... Amazing article worth reading in its entirety by Tom Bondurant.

UPDATE 4:  A Newsarama interview with Alan Moore where gives his two cents regarding the DC relaunch.  It's interesting, whether or not you agree with the angry old genius who hates modern comics.

UPDATE 5: On July 29, 2011 comic book genius David Uzumeri posted the following article on Comics Alliance.


Here's my attempt to keep y'all updated.  And if you can't tell, the site is constantly being updated.

Oh, in case you didn't already know, I have started a separate blogspace for the continued adventures of Dick Grayson as Batman.  So check it out at THE REAL BATMAN CHRONOLOGY PROJECT: DICK GRAYSON!

Naturally, I will diligently continue to add all the normal monthly Bat-family books (of which there are a TON) and every other Bat-related books too!


This page has not been updated since 2011. For an updated and correct version of this timeline, please redirect to THE REAL BATMAN CHRONOLOGY PROJECT.COM.

YEAR TWENTY-THREE (April 2011 to August 2011)

--Batman #709 
--Batman Incorporated #5 Epilogue
--Justice League: Generation Lost #24 Epilogue
--Secret Six #36 
--Batman: The Dark Knight #1-5 ("GOLDEN DAWN")
--Outsiders Vol. 4 #39-40  
--Batman: The Dark Knight #5 Epilogue
--debut of Jade O'Keafe (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 1)

--Bat Boy Aaron Langstrom cured (r in Batman & Robin #21)
--Batman & Robin #20
--Batman & Robin #23

--Batman Incorporated #6
--Gotham City Sirens #23-26 ("X FRIENDS")
--Power Girl Vol. 2 #24-25 ("WE CAN BE HEROES")
--Batman Incorporated #7
--Weird Worlds Vol. 2 #2
--Weird Worlds Vol. 2 #5
--Detective Comics #879
--Batman: Gates of Gotham #5
--Red Robin #23 
--Red Robin #25 Epilogue
--Wonder Woman #613-614 
--Green Arrow Vol. 4 #14
--Justice League of America 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 
--Batgirl Vol. 3 #22
--Batman goes undercover at St. Hadrians (fb from Batman Inc: Lev Strikes! #1, Ch. 1)

--Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #13 
--Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 1
--Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 2
--Batman returns to St. Hadrians (fb from Batman Inc: Lev Strikes! #1, Ch. 1)
--Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 3
--Batman Incorporated #8 
--Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes #1, Chapter 1
--Red Robin #26
--Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes #1, Chapter 2
--flashback from Flashpoint #5
--Flashpoint #1 / Flashpoint: The Outsider #1
--Flashpoint #2-3
--Flashpoint #4, Part 1
--Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #2-3
--Flashpoint #4, Part 2 / Flashpoint: The Outsider #3
--Flashpoint #5

COMPLETE BATMAN LIST (Years 21-22 In Order)

This page has not been updated since 2011. For an updated and correct version of this timeline, please redirect to THE REAL BATMAN CHRONOLOGY PROJECT.COM.

YEAR TWENTY-ONE (April 2009 to March 2010)

--52 #47 / fb from Batman #673 / fb from Robin #176 ["Week 47":  Thogal ritual ends]
--"Week 47":  Bruce reveals that he has discovered the Zur-En-Arrh trigger word in his mind, creates post-hypnotic backup identity known as Batman of Zur-En-Arrh (fb from Batman #681)
--52 #48 ["Week 48":  Renee Montoya becomes The Question, Religion of Crime stabs Batwoman in the chest]
--52 #49 ["Week 49":  Black Adam escapes from Chang Tzu]
--52 #49 ["Week 49":  Dick and Tim meet with Bruce in Budapest, Tim returns to Gotham]
--52 #50 / World War III #1 ["Week 50":  World War III begins]
--World War III #1 ["Week 50":  Jason Todd becomes fake Nightwing in NYC]
--Robin #148-151 ("ROBIN: ONE YEAR LATER") ["Week 50"]
--52 #51 ["Week 51":  WWIII ends, Bruce attends war memorial service]
--"Week 52":  Penguin forced out of Gotham by Warren White (r in Batman #654)
--52 #52 ["Week 52":  Booster Gold and Rip Hunter time-travel back to end of Infinite Crisis and trap Mr. Mind in a time loop]
--Superman/Batman #27 [Power Girl recalls her pre-Crisis memories which she regained during Infinite Crisis]
--Aquaman Vol. 6 #40 [AJ Curry becomes the new Aquaman]
--Coast City rebuilt
--Detective Comics #817
--Batman #651
--'tec #818 /  fb from 'tec 844
--Batman #652
--Detective Comics #819
--Batman #653
--Detective Comics #820
--Batman #654
--Bruce and Clark discuss the reformation of the JLA, construction begins on new HQs (r in JL of A v. 2 #7)
--Supergirl Vol. 5 #9 --Donna Troy becomes Wonder Woman
--Firestorm, The Nuclear Man Vol. 2 #25
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #53-57 ("THE REPLACEMENTS")
--Nightwing #118-122 [Dick defeats Jason]
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #58-62 [Holly and Selina team-up as Catwomen]
--Superman/Batman #72-74
--Batman stabbed by random thugs (r in Superman/Batman #28)
--Superman/Batman #75
--Superman #650-653 / Action Comics #837-840 [Luthor bankrupted and ousted from LexCorp, fails in attempt to destroy Metropolis, flees to Gotham]
--Superman/Batman #28-33 ("ENEMIES AMONG US")
--debut of Karrie Bishop (r in 'tec #822)
--Superman/Batman #34-36 ("METAL MEN")
--Diana returns (fb from Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #2)
--Detective Comics #821
--debut of Misfit
--Action Comics #842 [debut of Auctioneer, Bruce and Clark learn about the "3rd Kryptonian," search begins]
--Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #2
--Wonder Woman Vol. 3 Annual #1
--Superman & Batman vs. Vampires & Werewolves #1-6
--debut of Pandora (r in 'tec #822)
--Aquaman, Sword of Atlantis #51
--Detective Comics #822
--Robin #152-155
--Robin #159
--LOTDK #212-213
--Nightwing turns down offer to be in the new JLA (r in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #1)
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #0-7 ("TORNADO'S PATH")
--Robin #161-163
--Flash Bart Allen joins JLA (r in Booster Gold Vol. 2 #1)
--Robin and Supergirl apprehend every Arkham inmate (fb from Superman/Batman #62)
--Killer Croc escapes Arkham (fb from Joker's Asylum II: Killer Croc)
--The Brave and the Bold #27
--Booster Gold Vol. 2 #1, Part 1
--Green Arrow Vol. 2 #69-72 ("SEEING RED")
--Geo-Force joins JLA (r in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #8)
--Batman fights combat test soldier (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 2)
--Booster Gold Vol. 3 #1, Part 2
--The Brave and the Bold Vol. 3 #29
--Martian Manhunter Vol. 3 #3-8 ("THE OTHERS AMONG US")
--Detective Comics #823-824
--Teen Titans Vol. 3 #44-46 [Teen Titans defeat Titans East, Cassie becomes good again but goes into hiding, Talia reclaims leadership of League of Assassins]
--Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #1
--Killer Croc returns to Arkham (fb from Joker's Asylum II: Killer Croc)
--Detective Comics #825-826
--Joker uses Ivar Loxias identity (fb from 'tec #834)
--Manhunter Vol. 3 #28
--Manhunter Vol. 3 #30 [Wonder Woman acquitted of murder of Max Lord]
--Detective Comics #827-832
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #129
--Detective Comics #833-834 ("TRUST")
--Amanda Waller tricks Bane into starting civil war in Santa Prisca, recruits him into Suicide Squad (r in Checkmate Vol. 2 #11-12)
--Action Comics #844-845 [debut of Chris Kent]
--Black Adam: The Dark Age #2-6
--Hawkgirl #63 
--Joker escapes from Arkham (r in Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #5)
--Joker sent back to Arkham (r in Countdown #51)
--Countdown #51 [death of Duela Dent, Countdown begins]
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #7, Epilogue
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #8
--Countdown #50
--J S of A Vol. 3 #5 / ff from J S of A Vol. 3 #1
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #9
--Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #6
--J L of A Vol. 2 #10
--All Flash #1
--Detective Comics #841
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #68 [Holly Robinson goes into hiding]
--Brave & The Bold Vol. 3 #1-6 ("THE LORDS OF LUCK")
--Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #6-7 [Wonder Woman arrested by DEO]
--Amazons Attack #1-2 
--Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #8-9
--flashback from Catwoman Vol. 3 #69
--Countdown #43-42
--Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #10-12 
--Amazons Attack #3-6
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #69
--Second Feature from Countdown #49-38 [Donna, Jason, and Kyle begin traveling through multiverse; debuts of The Monitors]
--Green Arrow Vol. 2 #75
--Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special, Part 1
--Green Lantern Vol. 4 #15-17 ("WANTED: HAL JORDAN")
--Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1
--Superman/Batman #37-42 ("TORMENT")
--Checkmate Vol. 2 #15
--Outsiders Vol. 3 #49
--Robin #164-167
--Blue Beetle Vol. 7 #17
--Detective Comics #835-836 ("ABSOLUTE TERROR")
--Batman Confidential #44-48 ("BATMAN vs. THE UNDEAD")
--DCU Halloween Special 2010 #1, Part 1
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #12
--Countdown #36
--Detective Comics #841, Epilogue [Tweedle-Dum fights Tweedle-Dee]
--Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee escape Arkham (r in Outsiders: 5 of a Kind)
--Trials of Shazam #1 [Captain Marvel becomes Shazam, Freddie Freeman begins "Trials of Shazam"]
--Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Nightwing/Boomerang #1
--Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Katana/Shazam! #1
--Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Thunder/Manhunter #1
--Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Metamorpho/Aquaman #1
--Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Wonder Woman/Grace #1
--Outsiders Vol. 3 #50
--Superman/Batman #43-45
--Batman cracks down on off-world smugglers (r in Helmet of Fate: Detective Chimp #1)
--Batman #655-658 ("BATMAN AND SON")
--Batman #664-665
--Batman consults Black Casebook, warns Gordon about the 3rd substitute Batman (r in Batman #672)
--Batman #667-669
--Joker escapes jail, forms new Injustice League with Luthor and Cheetah (fb from JLofA Wedding Special #1)
--Batman Annual #26
--League of Assassins splits into 2 factions, one loyal to Talia, one loyal to the Sensei (r in Batman Annual #26)
--Superman and Batman discuss the results of their failed search for the "3rd Kryptonian" (r in Superman #668)
--Batgirl invited back into Bat-Family (r in Batgirl Vol. 2 #1)
--Countdown #34
--Catwoman watches Batman interrogate crook (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #79)
--Superman/Batman #46
--Justice League of America Wedding Special #1
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #13-15
--Second Feature from Justice League of America Vol. 3 #18
--Batman/Catwoman: Follow the Money #1
--Batman apprehends Scarecrow (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #71)
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #71
--Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special, Part 2 / Countdown #30
--Detective Comics #837
--Selina asks Bruce to set up an adoption for Helena (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #72)
--Teen Titans Vol. 3 #50-52 ("TITANS OF TOMORROW TODAY")
--Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg Superman #1
--Green Lantern Vol. 4 #24
--Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1
--Green Lantern Vol. 4 #25
--Selina gives up Helena for adoption (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #72)
--Superman #668
--Green Arrow and Black Canary #1
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #72
--The Flash Vol. 2 #233
--Supergirl Vol. 5 #23 --Superman/Batman #42, Epilogue
--Booster Gold Vol. 2 #5 [Booster time-travels in failed attempt to stop Joker from paralyzing Babs]
--Captain Carrot & The Final Ark #3
--Gotham Underground #1-9
--Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #1-3
--J'onn, disguised as Blockbuster, captured by Suicide Squad (r in Salvation Run / J L of A Vol. 2 #19)
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #74 [Catwoman kidnapped by Suicide Squad]
--Salvation Run #2 [Bane kicked out of Suicide Squad, sent to prison planet with Luthor, Catwoman, and J'onn]
--Amanda Waller publicly confirms existence of prison planet (r in J L of A Vol. 2 #17-18)
--52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen #1-6
--Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #10-11 ("THY KINGDOM COME")
--Batman #670
--Robin #168
--Nightwing #138
--Detective Comics #838
--Batman #671
--Robin #169
--Nightwing #139
--Detective Comics #839
--The Sensei is resurrected / debut of Sasha Lo (fbs from Batman #705 & Batman #707)
--Green Arrow & Black Canary #3 [Connor Hawke shot]  
--Nightwing #140
--Supergirl Vol. 5 #25
--Green Arrow and Black Canary #4 
--Robin #170
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #17-19 ("SANCTUARY")
--Infinity, Inc. Vol. 2 #6
--Nightwing #141-142 ("FREEFALL")
--Green Arrow and Black Canary #5 
--Robin #171
--Batman and The Outsiders #4-9
--Detective Comics #842
--Checkmate Vol. 2 #24-25 ("CASTLING")
--Blue Beetle Vol. 7 #25
--Zatanna re-joins JLA (r in 'tec #843)
--Detective Comics #843-844
--Booster Gold #1,000,000
--Superman/Batman #47-49 ("K")
--Batman #659-662 ("GROTESK")
--Superman/Batman #50
--Tales of the Unexpected Vol. 2 #4
--Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman contemplate kicking Wally out of JLA (r in J L of A Vol. 2 #20)
--Salvation Run #7 [supervillains return to Earth from prison planet, J'onn goes missing]
--Action Comics #851
--Trinity #1-9
--Batman apprehends Mr. Polka-Dot (r in J L of A Vol. 2 #21)
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #21, Part 1
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #22-26
--Rann-Thanagar Holy War #1
--Tangent: Superman's Reign #3-12
--Faces of Evil: Kobra #1
--Detective Comics #845
--Superman/Batman #51-52 ("LIL' LEAGUERS")
--Man-Bat re-unites with wife for 1st time since prison planet (r in Batman & The Outsiders v. 2 #10)
--The Trials of Shazam! #12
--Superman/Batman #53-56 ("SUPER/BAT")
--Superman/Batman #60-63
--Superman/Batman #65
--Batgirl Vol. 2 #1
--DC Universe: Decisions #1-4
--Batman and The Outsiders #9, Epilogue
--Batman and The Outsiders #10
--Batman returns to the Outsiders after fighting Bloodlines Parasite (r in Batgirl Vol. 2 #5)
--Batgirl Vol. 2 #5-6 ("REDEMPTION ROAD")
--debut of Lee Cheng (r in Batman Confidential #36)
--Detective Comics #840
--Batman Confidential #36-39 ("BLACKHAWK DOWN")
--Nightwing #145, Part 1
--Ollie searches for Connor Hawke, questions Batman about Ra's Al Ghul (fb from GA & BC #8)
--Nightwing #145, Part 2
--Batman questions Ra's Al Ghul regarding the missing Connor Hawke (r in GA & BC #11)
--Green Arrow and Black Canary #9-12
--Green Arrow & Black Canary #14
--Robin #174
--Death of the New Gods #8 [Darkseid defeats The Source, New Genesis merges with Apokolips]
--Birds of Prey #121-124 [Joker escapes Arkham; Oracle savagely beats Joker, who returns to Arkham]
--Countdown to Final Crisis #2 [death of Darkseid]
--Action Comics #864-865
--Trinity #10-17
--Trinity #18-34 overlaps with next 3 items which take place in the past
--Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are teleported to ancient Earth-1 (r in Trinity #30)
--after centuries pass on Earth-1, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman becomes gods (r in Trinity #32-35)
--civil god war begins during Bronze Age on Earth-1, Holy Trinity exiles themselves to citadel where their memories begin to fade (fb from Trinity #37)
--Trinity #35-52

YEAR TWENTY-TWO (April 2010 to March 2011)

--Wednesday Comics #1-12
--Penguin hires assassin to kill Bruce (fb from Brave & Bold Vol. 3 #13)
--Vixen: Return of the Lion #1
--Penguins hires assassin to kill Bruce (fb from Brave & Bold Vol. 3 #13)
--Vixen: Return of the Lion #3-5
--The Brave and The Bold Vol. 3 #13
--Booster Gold Vol. 2 #11-12 [Booster and Goldstar time-travel to past to protect timeline]
--Booster Gold Vol. 2 #14 [Booster time-travels to past to protect timeline]
--Batman Confidential #39, Epilogue
--Solo #1, Part 1
--Bruce goes on a few dates with Una Nemo (fb from Batman & Robin #18)
--Jezebel Jet and Bruce become media's darling celebrity couple (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #81)
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #81-82 ("FINAL JEOPARDY")
--Batman #672-674
--DC Universe #0 [Darkseid's soul falls backward in time to Bat-Year 19]
--Superman/Batman #78
--Superman/Batman #81-84 ("SORCERER KINGS") 
--Supergirl Vol. 5 #30
--Detective Comics #846-850 ("HEART OF HUSH")
--Martin Suarez wins special US Presidential Election* 
--Action Comics #870 [death of Jonathan Kent, city of Kandor restored, emergence of Kryptonians]
--Batman offers condolences to Superman (fb from J L of A Vol. 2 #31)
--Batman in Barcelona: Dragon's Knight #1
--Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 4
--Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 6
--Superman: New Krypton Special #1 
--Batman #675
--Batman meets with Spoiler (fb from Robin #176)
--Bruce records messages for Bat-family
--Bruce alters will to benefit Tim (fb from Red Robin #11)
--Bruce raids Jezebel's hotel safe, discovers that she is evil (r in Batman #681)
--Batman #676-678 ("BATMAN R.I.P.")
--Bruce is photographed as the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh (r in Robin #176)
--Robin #175-176 [Robin learns that Batman has "gone crazy"]
--Batman #679-681 ("BATMAN R.I.P." Continued...)
--Batman & The Outsiders Vol. 2 #11 / flashback from Batman & The Outsiders Vol. 2 #12 [death of Salah Miandad, Order of Purity steals Suit of Sorrows, Batman missing for 24 hours]
--Batman #701, Part 1
--Batman & The Outsiders Vol. 2 #12 [Salah Miandad's funeral, Bruce sleeps]
--Batman #701, Part 2 / fb from Batman #683
--FC #1 / Batman #702, Part 1 / JLofA Vol. 2 #21, Part 2 / fb from FC: Requiem
--DC Universe: Last Will and Testament #1
--Final Crisis: Requiem #1 / fb from FC #2
--FC#2, Part 1 / fb from FC: Revelations #1, Part 1
--Final Crisis: Revelations #1, Part 2
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #27-30
FINAL CRISIS Continued...
--Final Crisis #2, Part 2 / fb from Batman #863 / fb from FC #3 / fb from Batman #683)
--Batman #702, Part 2
--Final Crisis #2, Part 3
--FC: Superman Beyond 3D #1-2
--FC: Legion of 3 Worlds #1
--Final Crisis #3-5
--Final Crisis #6, Part 2
--Batman #682-683 ("LAST RITES") / Batman #702, Part 3
--fb from Batman & Robin #8 [Darkseid keeps one dead Batman clone]
--FC: Legion of 3 Worlds #2-5 [Bart Allen and Connor Kent resurrected] 
--Final Crisis #6, Part 2
--Batman #702, Part 4
--Final Crisis #7 / Batman #686 / 'tec #853 
--Batman #702, Part 5 / r in Batman #681 / r in Return of Bruce Wayne #1
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 [Bruce in 9000 BCE]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2, Part 1 [Bruce in 1640]
 --Superman/Batman #76, Part 1
--Bruce's funeral held (fb from Batman #687 / Superman/Batman #76)
--Detective Comics #850, Epilogue [Selina steals Tommy Elliot's money]
--Blackest Night #0, Part 1 [Hal and Barry visit Bruce's grave]
--Robin #177-182 [overlaps with next 4 items, debut of new Anarky, gang war continues in Gotham]
--Batman & The Outsiders Vol. 2 #13-14 [Batgirl forms Network, gang war ensues]
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #151 [metahuman corpses moved to Hall of Justice, gang war ensues]
--Detective Comics #851 [gang war ensues, debuts of Millicent Mayne and Gracchus]
--Batman #684 [gang war ensues]
--Detective Comics #852
--Batman #685
--Batman & The Outsiders Special
--Robin #183
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #152
--Joker poisons Arkham, inmates moved to Blackgate (r in Battle for Cowl - Arkham)
--Azrael: Death's Dark Knight #1, Part 1 [debut of Abraham Arlington as Azrael]
--Battle for the Cowl - Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead?
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #153
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1, Part 1
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Arkham Asylum #1
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Man-Bat #1
--Azrael: Death's Dark Knight #1, Part 2
--Azrael: Death's Dark Knight #2-3
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Commissioner Gordon
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1, Part 2
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl - The Underground #1
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl - The Network #1
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3
--Kate Spencer becomes D.A. (fb from 2nd Feature from Streets of Gotham #1)
--Batman #687, Part 1
--Superman #685 [Kryptonians move to New Krypton]
--J L of A Vol. 2 #31 / J L: Cry for Justice #1 [JLA in shambles, splinter group forms]
--Cassie Cain gives Batgirl costume to Stephanie Brown (fb from Batgirl Vol. 4 #1 / r in Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batgirl #1)
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #153, Part 2
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3, Epilogue
--Damian becomes Robin, Tim angry (fb from Red Robin #1)
--Batman: Battle for the Cowl - Gotham Gazette: Batman Alive?
--Tim says goodbye to Stephanie (fb from Red Robin #2)
--Tim says goodbye to Cassie Sandsmark (fb from Red Robin #3)
--debut of Red Robin, Tim fights Dick (fb from Red Robin #4)
--Tim visits parents' graves (fb from DCU Halloween Special 09)
--Tim leaves Gotham (fb from Red Robin #4)
--Booster Gold Vol. 2 #21-24 [Booster time-travels to past to fix timestream]
--Booster Gold Vol. 2 #25
--Batman & Robin #1-3 ("BATMAN REBORN")
--framing scenes from Batman #676 and Batman #681 [Dynamic Duo apprehends Le Bossu, death of Cardinal Maggi]
--domino killings begin (r in Batman & Robin #10)
--Batman #687, Part 2
--Superman/Batman #76, Part 2
--Batman #688
--Batgirl Vol. 4 #1
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #1-2 ("BATMAN: REBORN")
--Batman #689-691 ("LONG SHADOWS")
--Superman/Batman #76, Part 3
--Gotham City Sirens #1 / fb from Gotham City Sirens #26 [debut of Boneblaster]
--Gotham City Sirens #2 [debut of Broker]
--Gotham City Sirens #3
--Gotham City Sirens #4-6 [Sirens face Gaggy disguised as Joker]
--Batman Annual #27
--Detective Comics Annual #11
--Azrael Vol. 2 #1
--Detective Comics #854-856
--Detective Comics #857-860 [overlaps with next 7 items]
--Tim's search for Bruce continues (r in Red Robin #1-3)
--Red Robin #4 [Tim finds cave paintings in Iraq] (r in Return of Bruce Wayne #3)
--Batman #700
--Vigilante Vol. 2 #10 
--DCU Halloween Special '09 #1
--Batgirl Vol. 4 #5-7 ("CORE REQUIREMENTS")
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #3-6
--Batman fights combat test soldier (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 2)
--J L of A Vol. 2 #35 [Plastic Man and Red Tornado return to JLA]
--World's Finest Vol. 2 #3-4
--AJ Curry steps down as Aquaman and disappears (r in Titans Vol. 2 #15)
--Titans Vol. 2 #15
--Blackest Night #0, Part 2
--Blackest Night #1
--Blackest Night: Batman #1-3
--Blackest Night #2-3
--Superman/Batman #66-67
--Lynx helps Dynamic Duo (r in Red Robin #13)
--Blackest Night #4-7 / GL Vol. 4 #51 / BN: Titans #1
--Blackest Night #8
--Justice League Generation Lost #1-3
--JL: Cry for Justice #5-7 [death of Lian Harper, bomb detonated in Star City, Roy Harper injured]
--Titans Vol. 2 #23 
--Titans: Villains For Hire #1
--Justice League: Rise of Arsenal #1 / fb from JL: Rise & Fall Special
--Justice League: Rise & Fall Special #1, Part 1  
--Second Feature from Justice League: Rise & Fall Special #1
--J L of A Vol. 2 #41-42 / JL: Cry for Justice #7, Epilogue [death of Prometheus]
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #43, Part 1
--Justice League: The Rise & Fall Special #1, Part 2
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #43, Part 2
--Green Arrow Vol. 3 #32, Part 1
--Justice League: Rise of Arsenal #2-3
--Batman busts Dawson and Trick (fb from Superman 80-Page Giant 2010 #1)
--Martin Suarez inaugurated as new President of the United States*
--Red Robin #6-8
--Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1 [Sam Lane/Braniac/Lex Luthor attack New Krypton]
--Justice League Generation Lost #10 
--Batman teams-up with Power Girl (fbs from Power Girl Vol. 2 #16-17)
--Superman: War of the Supermen #1-5 [New Kryptonian Earthling War]
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #44-45 (BRIGHTEST DAY")
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #46
--Justice Society of America Vol.2 #41
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #47
--Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #42
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #48
--Arkham Reborn #1
--Batman #692-694 / Arkham Reborn #2
--Arkham Reborn #3
--Second Feature from Batman: Streets of Gotham #7-8
--Batman #695-697 ("LIFE AFTER DEATH" Conclusion)
--Dick starts trophy room, teams with Supergirl vs "Murder Maestro" (r in J L of A v. 2 #49)
 --Justice League of America Vol. 2 #49
 --Azrael Vol. 2 #4
--Nemesis: The Impostors #1-4
--Batman #698-699 ("RIDDLE ME THIS")
--Batman 80-Page Giant Vol. 2 #1
--Green Arrow Vol. 3 #32, Part 2
--Batman & Robin #4-6 ("REVENGE OF THE RED HOOD")
--DC Holiday Special 2009, Part 1
--Batman & Robin #7-9 ("BLACKEST KNIGHT")
--DC Holiday Special 2009, Part 3
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #7-11
--Detective Comics #861-863 ("CUTTER")
--Detective Comics #864-866
--Second Feature from Batman: Streets of Gotham #14
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #15
--Detective Comics #867-868 ("IMPOSTOR WARS" Part 1) [overlaps with next 2 items]
--Tommy Elliot (as Bruce Wayne) begins paroling criminals (r in Batman: Streets of Gotham #15)
--Red Robin #9-10
--Batgirl Vol. 4 #8
--Red Robin #11-15
--Superman #700, Part 3
--Detective Comics #869, Part 1
--Alfred begins investigating Wayne Manor (r in Batman & Robin #10)
--Detective Comics #869, Part 1
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #12-13 ("CARPENTER'S TALE")
--Superman/Batman #75, Part 5
--DCU Halloween Special 2010 #1, Part 2
--Superman #702-703 ("GROUNDED")
--Superman/Batman #77 
--Justice League of America Vol. 2 #50-53 ("OMEGA")
--Detective Comics #869, Part 2
--JLA learns that Bruce is stuck in the past (r in Batman & Robin #10)
--Detective Comics #869, Part 3
--Detective Comics #870 ("IMPOSTOR WARS" Conclusion)
--Second Feature from Batman: Streets of Gotham #16 [Two-Face returns from injury]
--Una Nemo survives shooting, learns of her unique condition (fb from Batman & Robin #18)
--Batman & Robin #10-12 ("BATMAN VS. ROBIN")
--Rip Hunter's team begins looking for Bruce (ROBW #1) [overlaps with Batman & Robin #12]
--Rip's team returns with time capsule and Bruce's recording (r in ROBW #5 / fb in Batman #702)
--Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1-6 [Rip Hunter's search party lost]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2, Part 2 [Bruce in 1640s]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #3 [Bruce in 1718]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #4 [Bruce in in 19th Century]
--Bat-family learns the truth about Simon Hurt (r in Batman & Robin #15-16 / r in ROBW #5-6)
--Dick delivers the "cape and cowl relic" to Red Robin (r in Return of Bruce Wayne #5)
--Batman #703 
--Titans #28-30 ("FAMILY REUNIONS") 
THE RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE Conclusion [these 5 bullets overlap with following 3 bullets]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5, Part 1 [Bruce in 1970]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6, Part 1 [Bruce at Vanishing Point]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2 (Vanishing Point scene)
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5, Part 2 [Bruce returns]
--Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6, Part 2 [Bruce triumphant]
--Hurt controls Gotham, poses as Bruce's father (fb from B & R #13-15)
--Batman & Robin #13
--Batman & Robin #15
--Batman & Robin #15, Conclusion
--Batman & Robin #16
--Wonder Woman #601 [Wonder Woman's history is altered so that she is only becoming a hero now and nobody knows who she is]
--Bruce becomes The Insider, tests Dick and Damian (r in Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batgirl #1)
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batman & Robin #1
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Red Robin #1
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Outsiders #1
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #14, Part 1
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #16
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batgirl #1
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Catwoman #1
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Commissioner Gordon #1
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Oracle #1
--Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Ra's Al Ghul #1
--Azrael Vol. 2 #14-16 / fb from Batman #708 ("THREE MYSTERIES")
--Batman: Streets of Gotham #17-20 ("HOUSE OF HUSH" Conclusion)
--debut of Rayhan Mazin (fb from Power Girl Vol. 2 #24)
--Batman: The Return #1
NOTE:  Dick Grayson's chronology continues separately from this point on!  Follow along at The DICK GRAYSON BATMAN CHRONOLOGY!
--Bruce begins investigation into Kate Kane (r in Batwoman #0)
--Red Robin #17
--Brightest Day #14
--Bruce spies on Kate Kane - Day 4 (fb from Batwoman #0)
--Batman 80 Page Giant 2010 #1, Part 6
--Batman 80 Page Giant 2010 #1, Part 5
--Detective Comics Annual #12
--Batman Annual #28
--Third Feature from Batman Annual #28, Part 1
--Azrael Vol. 2 #17-18
--Batman #704
--Batman, Inc. #1, Part 1
--Batman & Robin #18
--Batman, Inc. #1, Part 2
--Batman, Inc. #2
--Power Girl Vol. 2 #20
--Superman #710 

--Bruce spies on Kate Kane - Day 17 (fb from Batwoman #0)
--Green Lantern Vol. 4 #62
--Bruce spies on Kate Kane - Day 21 (fb from Batwoman #0)
--Brightest Day #21
--Bruce spies on Kate Kane - Day 23 (fb from Batwoman #0)
--Power Girl Vol. 2 #21
--Justice League: Generation Lost #22-24
--Batwoman #0 
--Dick completes Nightrunner's training (r in J L of A Vol. 4 #55)
--Action Comics #900
--Action Comics #903, Part 3
--Action Comics #904
--Third Feature from Batman Annual #28, Epilogue
--Birds of Prey Vol. 2 #7-10 ("DEATH OF ORACLE!")
--Batman, Inc. #3-5

COMPLETE BATMAN LIST (Years 18-20 In Order)

This page has not been updated since 2011. For an updated and correct version of this timeline, please redirect to THE REAL BATMAN CHRONOLOGY PROJECT.COM.

YEAR EIGHTEEN (April 2006 to March 2007)

--Batman: Gotham Knights #27
--Batman #601-602 ("TURNING THE TOWN RED")
--Batgirl #27
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #68
--Batman: Gotham Knights #28-29 ("THE MORTICIAN")
--Detective Comics #768-770 ("PURITY")
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #69
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #1-4 ("ANODYNE") 
--JLA: Scary Monsters #1-6
--Superman Vol. 2 #183
--Birds of Prey #43
--Batman #603-604
--Detective Comics #771
--Batgirl #29
--Batman: Gotham Knights #30
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #91-92
--Detective Comics #772
--Batman: Gotham Knights #31
--Batman #605
--Detective Comics #773
--DC First: Batgirl/The Joker #1
--Action Comics #792
--Second Feature from 'tec #773-775 ("THE HUNT")
--debut of Faith (r in JLA #69 / JLA #73)
--JLA #64
--Detective Comics #774, Part 1
--Batman #606-607 ("DEATH-WISH FOR TWO")
--Robin #106
--Gotham Central #1-5
--Batgirl #33
--Batman: Orphans #1-2
--Supergirl Vol. 4 #74
--Batman: Gotham Knights #33-36 ("TABULA RASA")
--JSA #37
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #145 [Kyle Rayner becomes Ion]
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #149
--Robin #116-120
--Batman: Gotham Knights #32
--Power Company #15
--Lucius Fox awakes from 11 month coma (r in Batman: Family #1)
--Batman: Family #1-2
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #10
--LOTDK #177-178 ("LOST CARGO")
--Batgirl #31-32
--Robin #121-122
--Detective Comics #774, Part 2
--Gotham Central #6-10 ("HALF A LIFE")
--Bruce sends Bane to St. Louis (fb in Gotham Knights #47)
--JLA #65
--JLA defeats Per Degaton (r in JLA: Welcome to the Working Week)
--Green Lantern Vol. 4 [Kyle re-creates the Guardians and becomes a GL again]
--JLA/Spectre: Soul War #1-2
--JLA: Welcome to the Working Week
--Batman fights Checkmate (r in 'tec #775)
--Batman: LOTDK #185-189 ("RIDDLE ME THAT")
--Batman: Family #3-8 / Gotham Central #11
--Batman fights Checkmate (r in 'tec #775)
--Superman Vol. 2 #189
--Detective Comics #776-782
--Two-Face sent back to Arkham (r in 'tec #783)
--Detective Comics #783
--Bane apprehends Warp in Paris (fb from Gotham Knights #47)
--Batman: Family #8, Epilogue
--Batman fights Checkmate (r in 'tec #775)
--Gotham Central #12-15 ("SOFT TARGETS")
--Gotham Central #16-22
--JLA/JSA Secret Files #1, Part 1
--JLA/JSA: Virtue & Vice
--Batgirl #34-38
--Batman fights Checkmate (r in 'tec #775)
--Batman fights Checkmate (r in 'tec #775)
--JLA/JSA: Virtue & Vice, Epilogue
--Superman Vol. 2 #194 [Clark Kent re-hired by Daily Planet]
--LOTDK #197-199 ("BLAZE OF GLORY")
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #155
--Harley Quinn #25
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #75
HUSH Part One
--Batman #608-609
--Bane attacks The Ventriloquist, Bane meets with Pix (fbs from Gotham Knights #47)
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #13-16
--Detective Comics #775  
--Suicide Squad Vol. 2 #1 [Cluemaster presumed dead (incorrectly) after failed SS mission]
--Batgirl #39-40
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #19
--Elastix drug explodes on the Gotham streets (fb from Gotham Knights #41)
--Aaron Langstrom secretly moves into the Batcave (fb from Gotham Knights #45)
--Batman: Gotham Knights #37-42
--Sasha Bordeaux returns to Checkmate
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #95-97
--JLA Classified #10-15 ("NEW MAPS OF HELL")
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #98-100
--Batman: Gotham Knights #43-46
--Second Feature from GK #44 (B&W)
--Batgirl #42-44
--JLA/Avengers #1
--Avengers/JLA #2
--JLA/Avengers #3
--Avengers/JLA #4
--Legends of the DCU #31-32 ("THE 18TH LETTER. A LOVE STORY")
--debut of David Thompson (fb from Gotham Knights #41)
--Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3
--Detective Comics #788-790
--Second Feature from 'tec #785-788 ("DOGCATCHER")
--Formerly Known as The Justice League #5-6
--JLA Classified #4-9
--JLA #68-72
--JLA #73-75
--Aquaman Vol. 6 #1
--JLA #76
HUSH Part Two
--Batman #610-616
--Wzard Zero Special: Hush Interlude
--Batman #617-619
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #81
--Adventures of Superman #614
--Second Features from Gotham Knights #38-42
--Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia
HUSH Conclusion
--Batman #619, Epilogue
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #22
--Action Comics #804
--Detective Comics #801-808
--Second Feature from Detective Comics #800
--Detective Comics #811-814
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #86-87
--Batgirl #46
--Gotham Knights #47-49 ("VERITAS LIBERAT")
--Detective Comics #814, Epilogue
--Huntress leaves Checkmate
--Second Features from Gotham Knights #47-49 (B&W)
--Legends of the Dark Knight #168
--Batman #620-625 ("BROKEN CITY")
--Hector Hammon mind-controls the DCU (fb in Adventures of Superman #623)
--Birds of Prey #62
--JLA #77-78
--JLA Classified #50-54 ("THAT WAS NOW...")
--Aquaman Vol. 6 #11-12
--Hush goes after Riddler, Riddler asks Joker for protection (fb from Gotham Knights #50)
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #168
--JLA #80-82 ("WHITE RAGE")
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #170
--Outsiders Vol. 3 #1-3 [Arsenal leads new Outsiders team, Outsiders save President Luthor]
--Outsiders Vol. 3 #3, Epilogue
--Robin #123
--Teen Titans Vol. 3 #1
--Nightwing becomes leader of the Outsiders
--Impulse becomes Kid Flash (r in Teen Titans #6)
--Teen Titans Vol. 3 #6
--Flash Vol. 2 #199-200 [Reverse Flash Zoom kills Wally West's unborn children, Barry Allen temporarily appears, Spectre makes the world forget Wally was ever the Flash]
--Teen Titans Vol. 3 #8
--Batman: Gotham Knights #50-55 ("PUSHBACK")
--Flash Vol. 2 #204-205 ("IGNITION")
--JLA #84-89 ("TRIAL BY FIRE")
--Breach #3-4
--Superman/Batman Secret Files & Origins 2003
--Superman/Batman #1-6
--Batman retrieves giant penny from gorge in Batcave (r in Batman #626)
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #30
--Batman begins search for Selina (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #32) --Batman #626-630 ("AS THE CROW FLIES")
--Batman: City of Light #1-8
--Superman/Batman #7
--Pete Ross becomes President of the US, Lana Lang is First Lady (r in S/B #6)
--Kryptonite meteor showers rain on Earth (r in Superman/Batman #8)
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #179
--Superman/Batman #8

YEAR NINETEEN (April 2007 to March 2008)

--Flash Vol. 2 #209
--Superman/Batman #9
--The Monolith #6-8 ("FRIENDLY FIRE")
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #32
--JLA #90-100
--Superman/Batman #10-13 / fb from Action Comics #850
--Justice League Elite #1
--Batman warns Supergirl to be resourceful (fb from Supergirl Vol. 5 #40)
--JLA #106
--debut of Chronos (r in Superman/Batman #26)
--JLA Classified #32-36 ("THE 4TH PARALLEL")
--JLA Secret Files 2004, Part 1
--Robin and Superboy travel to Mt. Fuji (fb from Superman/Batman #26)
--JLA #107-114 ("SYNDICATE RULES")
--Justice League Elite #4
--Justice League Elite #6
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #199-200).
--Batman busts drug lab (r in Wonder Woman #204)
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #203-204 ("BITTER PILLS")
--Justice League Elite #9
--Detective Comics #784-786 ("MADE OF WOOD")
--Superman/Batman #13, Epilogue
--Second Feature from Detective Comics #789-792 ("THE TAILOR")
--Justice League Elite #10-12
--Detective Comics #791-793 ("THE SURROGATE")
--Batgirl #47-50
--Justice League Elite #12, Epilogue
--Robin #124-125
--Aquaman Vol. 6 #15
--Detective Comics #794-795 ("MONSTERS OF ROT")
--Second Feature from Detective Comics #796
--Batgirl #51
--Batman has unspecified mission with JLA (r in Batgirl #52)
--Batgirl #52
--Robin #126
--Teen Titans Vol. 3 #13
--Detective Comics #796
--Batgirl #53
--debut of The Jolly Rogers/Masked Nasties (r in Robin #127).
--Batman: Gotham Knights #59
--Robin #127-128 / fb from Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batgirl #1
--Batman: Death and the Maidens #1-9
--Year One: Batman - Ra's Al Ghul #1-2
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #180-181 ("SECRET CITY")
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #201-203 ("COLD CASE")
--Superman Secret Files 2004).
--debut of Clayface VIII (fb from Batman: Gotham Knights #68)
--Batman fights combat test soldier (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 2)
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #93
--JLA Classified #16, Part 1
--Batman: The 12 Cent Adventure #1
--Detective Comics #797
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #182
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #95, Epilogue
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #96
--Batman: Gotham Knights #56
--Robin #129
--Batgirl #55
--Catwoman #34
--Batman #631
--Gotham Central #23-24 [overlaps with "War Games Act 1"]
--Detective Comics #798
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #183
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #97
--Batman: Gotham Knights #57
--Robin #130
--Batgirl #56
--Catwoman #35
--Batman #632
--Detective Comics #799
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #184
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #98
--Robin #131 
--Batman: Gotham Knights #58
--Batgirl #57
--Catwoman #36
--Batman #633
--flashbacks from Batman #634
--Gotham Central #25
--Barbara and Jim Gordon leave Gotham (fb from 'tec #800)
--Superman/Batman #14-19 [Batman begins visiting his parents' grave nightly]
--Batman meets with Onyx (fb from Batman #634)
--Batman: LOTDK #190-191 ("COLD SNAP")
--Hawkman joins JLA, Aquaman rejoins the JLA
--Birds of Prey #79
--Superman/Batman #20-25 ("WITH A VENGEANCE")
--Identity Crisis #1-5 / fb from DCU Legacies #10
--Firestorm Vol. 2 #6
--Identity Crisis #6-7
--Batman apprehends Clayface (r in Identity Crisis #7)
--Robin #132, Part 1
--Crystal Brown confronts Bruce at Steph's funeral (fb from Batman #634)
--Flash Vol. 2 #220-225 [Zoom alters timestream, Linda Park-West gives birth to Iris and Jai]
--Batman #634
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #37 --Bruce and Tim go to Mexico (fb from DCU Halloween Special '09)
--Alex Luthor of former Earth-3 and Superboy-Prime break out of their pocket universe, thus reviving Jason Todd from the dead years earlier (fbs from Batman Annual #25 and Infinite Crisis #4)
--Darkseid loses his powers (fb from Superman/Batman #40)
--Batgirl moves to Bludhaven (fb from Batgirl #58)
--Robin #132, Part 2
--Batgirl #58
--Robin #133
--Batgirl #59
--Robin #134, Part 1
--Robin #134, Part 2
--Superman/Batman #18, Epilogue [Batman stops his nightly visits to his parents' grave]
--Robin #136, Part 1
--JLA (sans Batman) chases Black Death into Qwewq (r in JLA Classified #2)
--Robin #136, Part 2
--Robin #137
--JLA Classified #1-3
--Robin #138-140
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #99-100
--JSA #54
--JSA #56 [Black Adam becomes the leader of Kahndaq]
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #210
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #212
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #200
--Joker sent to Arkham (r in Gotham Central #28)
--Batman apprehends Poison Ivy (fb from Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy)
--Solo #6, Part 5
--Nightwing moves to NYC
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #217 [WW helps Athena take leadership of the Gods]
--Aquaman Vol. 6 #21-22 (“WITH THE FISHES”)
--Superman/Batman #57-59 ("NANOPOLIS")
--JLA Classified #37-41
--Gotham Central #26-31
--Adventures of Superman #636
--death of Tweedle-Dum, debut of new Tweedle-Dum (r in Infinite Crisis / 'tec #841)
--Superman Vol. 2 #204-207 [debut of Equus, two seperate "Vanishings" occur]
--Superman Vol. 2 #208
--Superman Vol. 2 #210
--Superman Vol. 2 #211-215 [Superman saves "Vanished" from Phantom Zone]
--JLA Classified #16-21 ("HYPOTHETICAL WOMAN")
--Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6
--John Stewart and Kyle Rayner begin substituting for each other in JLA (r in GL: Rebirth / JLA Classified #26)
--JLA Classified #26-31 ("SECRET HISTORY, SACRED TRUST")
--JLA Classified #42-46 ("THE GHOSTS OF MARS")
--Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 7   
--Batman: Gotham Knights #60-65
--Rann-Thanagar War #1 [Rann-Thanagar War begins]
--Teen Titans Vol. 3 #21 [Dr. Light regains his mind-wiped memories]
--Batman regains mind-wiped memories, quits the JLA, activates Brother I (r in OMAC Project #2)
--Batman tells Superman about the mind-wipe scandal (r in JLA #117)
--DC Countdown #1
--Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1
--Outsiders Vol. 3 #21-22
--debut of Wooden Nickel (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #39)
--Superman Vol. 2 #217 [Superman fights an OMAC]
--The OMAC Project #1-3
--Adventures of Superman #641
--Adventures of Superman #642 [Max Lord controls Superman, who pummels Bruce into a coma]
--Superman Vol. 2 #219
--Action Comics #829
--Adventures of Superman #642
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #219
--The OMAC Project #4-5
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #220
--Adventures of Superman #643, Conclusion 
--The OMAC Project #6
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #39
--Batman #635-638 ("UNDER THE HOOD")
--Batman: Gotham Knights #66-72 / Catwoman Vol. 3 #44-45
--Birds of Prey #84
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #47-48 ("THE ONE YOU LOVE")
--debuts of Wayne Franklin and Amina Franklin, Bruce begins dating Amina (fb from Batman #659)
--Batman busts Mad Hatter (fb from Joker's Asylum II: Mad Hatter)
--debut of Lazlo Rankin (r in Batman #698)
--Return of Donna Troy #1-4 [Donna Troy resurrected from dead]
--Darkseid's soul falls backward 3 years in time from his death in Bat-Year 21, Darkseid becomes Boss Dark Side (r in DCU #0 / Seven Soldiers / Grant Morrison interviews)
--Man-Bat Vol. 4 #1-5 ("THE RETURN") 
--Batman: Gotham Knights #73-74 ("PAYBACK")
--Epilogue of Gotham Knights series, Hush escapes Joker (fb from 'tec #849)
--Batman #639-641 ("FAMILY REUNION")
--Blood of the Demon #2-5
--Birds of Prey #84-85
--Batgirl #63
--Batgirl #65
--Batgirl #66-70 [Batgirl and Shiva split Nyssa Al Ghul's League of Assassins into two rival factions, Mr. Freeze temporarily revives Nora Fries] [overlaps with next 2 items]
--Batman Villains Secret Files & Origins 2005
--Batman Allies Secret Files & Origins 2005
--Batman #642
--Detective Comics #809
--Batman #643
--Detective Comics #810
--Batman #644
--Batman #645-647
--Gotham Central #32
--Detective Comics #815-816 ("VICTIMS")
--Gotham Central #33-36
--Birds of Prey #89-90
--Supergirl Vol. 5 #5
--Batgirl #71-73 [Cassie is killed by Mad Dog then revived by Lazarus Pit, Shiva is killed by Cassie then revived by Lazarus Pit, Cassie quits being Batgirl]
--Green Lantern Vol. 4 #9
--Batman #644, Epilogue
--The OMAC Project #6, Epilogue
--JLA #119, Epilogue
--JLA #120
--Infinite Crisis #1
--JLA #121-123 ("WORLD WITHOUT A JL")
--Infinite Crisis #1 / Gotham Central #37 [death of Shazam, Rock of Eternity explodes, 7 Deadly Sins released, Batman's rogues run amok]
--JLA #124-125 ("WORLD WITHOUT A JL" Cont...)
--Infinite Crisis #2 / Gotham Central #38-40
--Infinite Crisis #3
--Catwoman Vol. 3 #51
--Batman #648-649, Part 1 / Catwoman Vol. 3 #52, Part 1
--Batman #649, Part 2-Batman #650 / Catwoman Vol. 3 #52, Part 2
--Infinite Crisis #4
--Robin #146
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #116-117
--Infinite Crisis #4, Epilogue
--Infinite Crisis #5
--Batman and team head out to fight Brother Eye (fb from Blue Beetle v.2 #7) --Infinite Crisis #6
/ fb from Blue Beetle v.2 #7

YEAR TWENTY (April 2008 to March 2009)

--Infinite Crisis #7 / The OMAC Project: Infinite Crisis Special #1 / Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1
--52 #52 [re-creation of 52 universes, Rip Hunter and Booster Gold (time-traveling from "Week 52") trap Mr. Mind in a time loop]
--Batman begins training Harvey Dent (fb from Batman #653)
--Infinite Crisis Aftermath: The Spectre #1 [spirit of Crispus Allen spies on Batman]
--Green Arrow Vol. 2 #54-59 [Dr. Light and Merlyn destroy half of Star City]
--Superman/Batman #26
--Batman tells Selina about former Earth-2 (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #76)
--Batman fights combat test soldier (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1, Part 2)
--Nightwing Annual #2, Part 1
--Lazarus Pit resurrection of Lynx (r in Robin #148)
--Nightwing Annual #2, Part 2
--Sasha Bordeaux become Black Queen of Checkmate
--Penguin moves back to Gotham, becomes #1 Crime Lord (r in 'tec #819)
--Batman and Harvey Dent apprehend Mr. Freeze and Firebug (fb from Batman #653)
--Onyx leaves Gotham, joins Birds of Prey
--Superman defeats Onyx (fb from Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #13)
--Infinite Crisis #7, Epilogue / Nightwing Annual #2, Epilogue
--52 #1 ["Week 1, Day 1" begins]
--52 #1 ["Week 1":  Bruce, Tim, and Dick travel abroad] / (fb from 'tec #826)
--52 #3 ["Week 3":  Lex Luthor exonerated, becomes head of LexCorp again]
--52 #5 ["Week 5":  Luthor begins "Everyman Project"]
--"Week 12": GCPD corruption exposed (r in 'tec #817)
--"Week 16":  Selina reveals that she is pregnant, Holly Robinson begins training (fbs from Catwoman Vol. 3 #56)
--"Week 16":  death of Sam Bradley Jr. (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #62)
--52 #23 ["Week 23": Chang Tzu kidnaps scientists on Oolong Island]
--"Week 24":  Harvey Bullock reinstated as detective (r in 'tec #817)
--Uncle Sam & The Freedom Fighters #1 ["Week 25":  Uncle Sam resurrected from dead, Freedom Fighters reformed]
--"Week 26":  New unnamed Gotham mayor elected (r in 52 #26)
--Uncle Sam & The Freedom Fighters #2 ["Week 26":  Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard disguised as Henry Knight is elected President of the US]
--"Week 27":  Harvey Dent apprehends Poison Ivy (r in 'tec #823)
--52 #28 ["Week 28":  debut of Batwoman]
--52 #30 / fb from Batman #673 / fb from Robin #175 ["Week 30": Bruce meets Ten-Eyed Brotherhood]
--"Week 32": Ollie Queen elected mayor of Star City (r in 52 #32)
--52 #33 ["Week 33": Jim Gordon is welcomed back to Gotham, starts smoking again]
--52 #34 ["Week 34":  New Year's Eve "Everyman" disaster]
--"Week 35":  Jim Gordon becomes Commissioner again (r in 'tec #817)
--52 #38 ["Week 38":  death of The Question]
--World War III #2 ["Week 38": Sub Diego raised above sealevel, Aquaman becomes the Dweller of the Depths]
--Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #5 ["Week 38": Meta-Union Act passed]
--Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #8 ["Week 40": Gonzo ousted; Jonathan Horne becomes US President for 2nd time]
--"Week 40":  Bruce begins Thogal ritual (fbs from Batman #673 and Robin #175)
--52 #42 ["Week 42":  death of Elongated Man]
--"Week 42":  Nightwing and Robin travel through Europe (fb from Robin #175)
--"Week 42":  13 days in Thogal isolation, Bruce hallucinates (fb from Batman #673)
--52 #44 ["Week 44":  debut of Four Horsemen, Horsemen attack Kahndaq, death of Isis]
--"Week 44":  Nightwing and Robin travel to Monte Carlo (fb from Robin #175)
--"Week 44":  27-30 days in Thogal isolation, Bruce hallucinates (fb from Batman #673)
--52 #45 ["Week 45":  Black Adam destroys Bialya]
--52 #46 ["Week 46":  Chang Tzu captures Black Adam]
--"Week 46":  Nightwing and Robin travel to Hong Kong and Paris (fb from Robin #176)
--52 #46 ["Week 46":  Luthor brought up on charges from "Everyman" disaster]

COMPLETE BATMAN LIST (Years 15-17 In Order)

This page has not been updated since 2011. For an updated and correct version of this timeline, please redirect to THE REAL BATMAN CHRONOLOGY PROJECT.COM.

YEAR FIFTEEN (April 2003 to March 2004)

--Scare Tactics #11 --Amalgam Universe is destroyed (from Dr. StrangeFate #1)
--DC/Marvel: All Access #3-4
--JLA 80-Page Giant #1 [overlaps with The Final Night #1]
--Lex Luthor marries Contessa Erica Del Portenza [overlaps with The Final Night #1]
--The Final Night #1-2
--Batman #536
--The Final Night #3
--Detective Comics #703
--Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #86
--Robin #35 Part One
--The Final Night #4 / fb from DCU Legacies #9
--Robin #35 Part Two
--Batman #537-538
--Green Lantern, Vol. 3 #81
--Ollie Queen secretly resurrected, but without any memories (r in Green Arrow Vol. 2 #1)
--Superman: The Wedding Album #1 
--Superman Vol. 2 #123 [Superman becomes "Superman Blue"]
--Robin #36 [Jack Drake regains the use of his legs]
--JLA Secret Files #1, Part 2
--JLA/WildC.A.T.S. "Crime Machine"
--JLA #5, Part 1
--JLA: Tomorrow Woman #1
--JLA #5, Part 2
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #5
--The Power of Shazam! #22
--Detective Comics #704
--Superboy/Robin: World's Finest Three #2
--Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #37 (B&W)
--Batman: Blackgate #1
--Detective Comics #705-707
--Batman: The Hill #1
--The Batman Chronicles #7
--Batman Plus #1
--Nightwing moves to Blüdhaven (fb from Nightwing Vol. 2 #75)
--Batman: Phantom Stranger
--Batman #539
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #59-60 ("KILLER KILLER")
--Batman: Scottish Connection
--Batman #540-541
--The Spectre Vol. 3, #51
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #61
--Batman/Wildcat #1-3
--Azrael #29-31
--The Batman Chronicles #8, Part 1
--debut of The Innocents (r in Batman: The Book of Shadows)
--Detective Comics #708-710 ("DEATH LOTTERY")
--Batman: The Book of Shadows
--Superboy & The Ravers #8, Part 2
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #62-63 ("JANUS")
--Batman #542-543 ("FACELESS")
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #64
--The Batman Chronicles #9, Part 1
--Detective Comics #711
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual #5
--Batman Annual #21
--Robin Annual #6
--Detective Comics Annual #10
--JLA Annual #1
--Anarky #1-4 ("METAMORPHOSIS")
--Robin #45
--The Batman Chronicles #10
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #65-68
--debut of Kate Kane (fb from Detective Comics #859)
--Batman: Scarecrow 3D
--Detective Comics #712-713
--Batman Secret Files & Origins #1
--Superman Vol. 2 #126
--Azrael #36
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #12
--Batman: Child of Dreams
--Joker becomes star attraction on live Barry Dancer TV show (fb from B: It's Joker Time! #1-3)
--Aztek, The Ultimate Man #10
--Batman learns about Resurrection Man (r in Resurrection Man #7) --Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #125
--Flash seriously injured (r in JLA / from Flash Vol. 2)
--JLA #9, Epilogue 0
--JLA #10
--debut of The Video-Raptors (fb from Epilogue of Batman: It's Joker Time! #3)
--Joker returns to Arkham (r in Batman #544)
--Batman #544-546 ("THE MAJOR ARCANA")
--Starman Vol. 2 #33-34
--Starman Vol. 2 #35, Part 1
--Genesis #1-2
--Batman #547
--Robin #46
--The Spectre Vol. 3 #62
--JLA #11-15 ("ROCK OF AGES")
--Resurrection Man #7 --Detective Comics #714-716
--Batman #548-549 ("THE PENGUIN RETURNS")
--JLA: Paradise Lost #1-3
--Batman: Poison Ivy
--deceased Diana is reincarnated as Goddess of Truth; Hippolyta becomes new Wonder Woman
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #69-70 ("THE SPIRIT OF 2000")
--debut of Becky Albright, Batman sends Scarecrow back to Arkham (fb from Scarecrow Villains #1)
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #13-15
--Batman #550
--Detective Comics #717-718
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #71-72
--Batman #551-552
--Batman: Abduction
--an escaped Scarecrow goes after Becky Albright (fb from Scarecrow Villains #1)
--Batman: Gordon of Gotham #1-4
--Nightwing and Huntress #1-4
--Bruce argues with Vesper Fairchild, Bruce plays golf with the President (fb from Batman #600)
--Batman: Toyman #1-4
--The Batman Chronicles #13
--Batman: Dreamland
--Batman 80-Page Giant #1-2 
--Batman: Seduction of the Gun #1
--DC Universe Holiday Bash #1, Part 7
--Scarecrow (Villains) #1
--JLA Secret Files #2, Part 1
--JLA #16-17
--JLA fights Joker, Epoch, and others (fb from Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 5 #1)
--JLA #18-19
--Impulse: Bart Saves the Universe
--Batman teams-up with Impulse against the Joker (fb from Impulse #50)
--Starman Vol. 2 #43
--Batman & Spider-Man: New Age Dawning
--Unlimited Access #1-4 [Access leaves, the DCU loses all knowledge and memory of the Marvel U]
--Superman Forever #1 [Superman splits into Superman Red and Superman Blue, but returns to his classic look]
--JLA #22-23, Part 1
--Red Hood: Lost Days #2
--Fruit of the Loom® Presents
--Robin #50
--Detective Comics #719
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #73
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #19
--Batman #553
--The Batman Chronicles #16, Part 3
--Azrael #40
--Detective Comics #720
--Catwoman #56
--Robin #52
--Batman: Blackgate - Isle of Men #1
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #74
--The Batman Chronicles #12
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #20
--Batman #554
--Batman/Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma #1
--Detective Comics #721
--Catwoman #57
--Batman: Arkham Asylum - Tales of Madness #1
--Robin #53
--Batman: Bullock's Law #1
--Batman Villains Secret Files & Origins #1
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #75
--Batman #555
--Detective Comics #722
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #76
--Robin #54
--Batman #556
--Green Arrow Vol. 2 #134
--Detective Comics #723
--Robin #55
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #23
--Green Arrow Vol. 2 #135
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #77
--Batman #557
--Detective Comics #724
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #78-79
--The Batman Chronicles #16, Part 1
--The Batman Chronicles #14
--Batman #558-559
--Detective Comics #725-726
--The Batman Chronicles #15
--Robin #58
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #136-139 [Diana regains mortality, replaces her mother as Wonder Woman]
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #140-141 ("TRINITY 98")
--Martian Manhunter Vol. 2 #0
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #103
--Young Justice: The Secret #1 
--JLA: World Without Grownups #1-2
--Young Justice #1
--Chase #7-8 ("SHADOWING THE BAT")
--JLA #23, Epilogue
--DC One Million #1
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1,000,000
--Nightwing #1,000,000
--DC One Million #2
--Batman #1,000,000
--Detective Comics #1,000,000
--JLA #1,000,000
--DC One Million #3
--Catwoman #1,000,000
--Robin #1,000,000
--Young Heroes in Love #1,000,000
--DC One Million #4
--JLA #24-26
--DC 2000 #1-2
--JLA #27 
--The Kingdom #1-2
--JLA: Foreign Bodies
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #28
--Hitman Tommy Monaghan saves the JLA from Bloodlines Parasites (fb from JLA/Hitman #1-2)
--Resurrection Man #21
--Catwoman Vol. 2 #64-65
("HINTS AND ALLEGATIONS") --Young Justice #5-6 
--JLA/Titans #1-3
--Birds of Prey #2-5 [Batman spies on Oracle's actions, Jason Bard is blinded, debut of the Ravens]
--Birds of Prey #6
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #47-49
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #80
--Batman #560
--Detective Comics #727 
--Batman #561
--Detective Comics #728
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #81-82
--Hourman #1
--DC One Million 80-Page Giant #1
ROAD TO NO MAN'S LAND Continued...
--Batman #562
--Detective Comics #729
--Batman: No Man's Land Secret Files and Origins #1
--Batman: No Man's Land #0, Part 1
--No Man's Land begins; Batman won't return to Gotham until next Bat-Year (r in NML #1)
--JLA: Superpower
--Superboy Vol. 3 #60
--Superboy Vol. 3 #65
--Superman: The Man of Steel #86
--Adventures of Superman #565-566
--Action Comics #753
--Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #13 
--Adventures of Superman #567
--Superman: King of the World #1

YEAR SIXTEEN (April 2004 to March 2005)

--Stephanie Brown gives birth, baby is adopted
--NML has been in effect for 93 days (May 4), Batman returns to Gotham on May 12 (r in NML #1)
--Batman: No Man's Land #1
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #83
--Batman: No Man's Land #0, Part 2
--Batman #563
--Detective Comics #730
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #50-51
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #116
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #84
--Batman #564
--Detective Comics #731
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #52
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #117
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #85-86
--The Batman Chronicles #17, Part 1
--The Batman Chronicles #17, Part 3
--The Batman Chronicles #16, Part 2
--Batman #565
--Detective Comics #732
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #53
--Anarky Vol. 2, #1
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #118
--Batman #566
--Detective Comics #733
--JLA #32
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #54-55 
--Young Justice in No Man's Land #1  
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #119
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #87
--Batman #567
--Detective Comics #734
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #34
--Robin #67
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120
--Robin #68-70
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #56-57
--The Batman Chronicles #17, Part 2
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #88
--Batman #568
--Detective Comics #735
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #121
--Catwoman #72-74
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #89
--Batman #569
--The L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) #1-5
--a temporarily returned Flash Barry Allen helps Flash Wally West and Dark Flash defeat Cobalt Blue Flash and Reverse Flash, afterward Dark Flash (from an alternate reality) and Wally temporarily trade places (r in JLA #33)
--JLA #33
--Day of Judgement #1
--Batman: Day of Judgement #1
--Day of Judgement #2-5 / fb from DCU Legacies #9
--JLA #35
--JLA Annual #3
--Batman Annual #23
--Martian Manhunter Annual #2
--JLA: Primeval
--JLA #34
--JLA #36-41 ("WORLD WAR III")
--JLA Showcase 80-Page Giant #1, Part 1
--JLA: Earth 2
--Detective Comics #736
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #58
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #122
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #90
--Batman: Harley Quinn
--Batman #570
--Detective Comics #737
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #123
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #91
--Batman #571
--Detective Comics #738
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #35-36
--The Batman Chronicles #18
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #37
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #124
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #92
--Batman #572
--Detective Comics #739
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #125
--Nightwing Vol. 2, #38-39
--Robin #71-73
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #59
--Catwoman #75
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #93
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #60
--Batman #573
--Catwoman #76-77
--Detective Comics #740
--Braniac-13 attacks Metropolis
--Superman Y2K #1
--Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #126
--Batman #574
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #61
--Detective Comics #741
--Batman: Shadow of the Bat #94
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #62
--Detective Comics #742
--Jeremy Samuels is released from prison (fb from Batman #582)
--Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. #8 
--Batman begins training Cassie Cain (fb from Batgirl #1)
--Robin Vol. 2 #74
--The Batman Chronicles #20
--Batman/Joker: Switch #1
--debut of Holman Hunt (fb from fb from Joker's Asylum: Two-Face #1)
--Superman Vol. 2 #157
--The Adventures of Superman #579
--Superman: The Man of Steel #101
--Action Comics #766
--Batman fights Lucky Hand Triads (fb from 'tec #743) [overlaps with "Search for Lois"]
--Batman: Gotham Knights #1
--Batman #575
--Savant debuts (fb from Birds of Prey #58)
--Batgirl #1
--Batman fights Colombian Mob (fb from 'tec #743)
--Batman: Turning Points #5
--debuts of Orca and Camille Baden-Smyth (fb from Batman #579)
--Batman: Gotham Knights #2
--Batman fights Odessa Mob (fb from 'tec #743)
--Batman #576-577
--Batman fights Sicilian Mob (fb from 'tec #743)
--Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #4 (B&W)
--Hugo Strange captures Catwoman (fb from Gotham Knights #8)
--Detective Comics #743-746 ("EVOLUTION") [overlaps with next 3 items on list]
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #125
--Batman: Gotham Knights #3-4 ("SAMSARA")
--Commissioner Gordon is briefly demoted and replaced by Chief Inspector Vane, Batman fights the substitute Batmen, Dr. Hurt's hypnosis causes Batman to forget (r in Batman #674 / Azrael: Death's Dark Knight #1-3 / Azrael Vol. 2 #1)
--Batman: Gotham City Secret Files & Origins #1, Parts 1-2
--Catwoman #79
--Batman: Gotham City Secret Files & Origins #1, Part 3  
--Contessa Erica Del Portenza and Lex Luthor divorce
--Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1
--Superboy Vol. 3 #74
--Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr. #1
--Young Justice Secret Files & Origins #1
--Sins of Youth: Batboy and Robin #1
--Young Justice: Sins of Youth #2
--JLA: Seven Caskets
--Batman: Gotham Knights #5
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #64-65
--Batman #578
--Batman: 80-Page Giant #3, Chapter 4-Chapter 7
--Detective Comics #747
--Batman: Gotham Knights #6-7
--Batman #579-581 ("ORCA")
--Detective Comics #748-749 ("URBAN RENEWAL")
--Batman #581, Epilogue Part 1 [Batman sets up Camille Baden-Smyth]
--The Batman Chronicles #22
--Adventures of Superman #581 [Lex Luthor enters Presidential race one month before election]
--Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #1-2
--Batman: Gotham Knights #8-11 ("TRANSFERENCE")
--Hugo Strange and Joker begin slow poisoning and mental torture of Jeremiah Arkham (fbs from 'tec #864-865)
--Superman & Bugs Bunny #1-4 --Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #11 (B&W)
--JLA 80-Page Giant #3 
--JLA: A League of One
--JLA: Heaven's Ladder
--JLA: Gods & Monsters
--Catwoman Vol. 2 #83-84
--Batman Annual #24
--JLA Annual #4
--Batgirl Annual #1
--JLA Secret Files & Origins #3, Part 1
--JLA #43-46
--JLA Secret Files & Origins #3, Part 2
--Diana and Clark argue, both feel betrayed by Batman's secret intel gathering (fb from JL of A v. 2 #0)
--Batman #581, Epilogue Part 2 [Camille Baden-Smyth goes to prison]
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #47
--Detective Comics #750
--Superman: Emperor Joker #1
--Superman Vol. 2 #161
--Adventures of Superman #583
--Superman: The Man of Steel #105
--Action Comics #770
--Jeremy Samuels quits Wayne Enterprises (fb from Batman #582)
--Superman Vol. 2 #162
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #65-67
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #70-71 ("PROPHET")
--Batman #582-584
--Detective Comics #751-752 ("A WALK IN THE PARK")
--Batman #585
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #72-75 ("LOSSES")
--Action Comics #773 [Talia becomes head of LexCorp]
--Superman Vol. 2 #164 [Lex Luthor elected President of United States, Pete Ross VP]
--Azrael: Agent of the Bat #76
--Batman: Gotham Knights #12
--Batman #586
--Detective Comics #753
--Batman/Scarface: A Psychodrama 
--Batman: The Ankh #1-2
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #164-167 ("GODS OF GOTHAM")
--Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood #1-2
--Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood # 3, Part 1
--Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #13 (B&W)
--Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #1
--Batman: Gotham Knights #15
--Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #2-6 
--Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #17 (B&W)
--Detective Comics #787
--Batman #587
--Robin #86
--Birds of Prey #27
--Catwoman Vol. 2 #90
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #53
--Detective Comics #754
--Batman: Gotham Knights #13
--Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood #3, Part 2
--Batgirl #3-6
--Batman starts making training video (r in Batgirl #7)
--JLA #47-54
--Superman Vol. 2 #165
--Batgirl #7
--Batgirl #9
--Lex Luthor's Presidential Inauguration
--Superman: Lex 2000 #1, Part 2
--Justice Leagues: JL? #1
--Justice Leagues: Justice League of Atlantis #1
--Justice Leagues: Justice Leauge of Arkham #1
--Justice Leagues: JLA #1
--Batman: Room Full of Strangers
--Detective Comics #755
--Batman: Gotham Knights #14
--Superman Vol. 2 #168
--Detective Comics #756
--Bruce and Clark attend wedding of Harrison Gray (fb from B&S: World's Finest #10, Part 2)
--Batman 80 Page Giant 2010 #1, Part 3
--Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood #3, Epilogue
--Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood #4-
--Superboy Vol. 3 #85
--Batman: Death Mask #1-4
--Robin #84
--Robin #87-88

YEAR SEVENTEEN (April 2005 to March 2006)

--Harley Quinn #6
--Detective Comics #757
--Robin #92-94
--JLA/Haven: Arrival [debut of Competalians, creation of Haven in California]
--Batman #588-590 ("CLOSE BEFORE STRIKING")
--Batman: Absolution
--Batgirl #14-15
--Green Lantern Vol. 3 #134-136 ("WHILE ROME BURNED")
--Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #16 (B&W)
--Batman: Gotham Knights #16-19
--Batgirl #17
--The Spectre Vol. 4 #2-4 ("REDEEMING THE DEMON")
--Batman #591-592 ("SHOT THROUGH THE HEART")
--Catwoman Vol. 2 #94
--Detective Comics #758-760 ("UNKNOWING")
--Second Feature from 'tec #759-760 [Slam Bradley searches for missing Catwoman]
--Green Arrow Vol. 2 #1-10 ("QUIVER")
--JLA/Haven: Anathema
--Commissioner Akins has 1st meeting with Batman (fb from 'tec #758)
--Detective Comics #761, Part 1 [Sasha Bordeaux training days 1-10]
--Second Feature from Detective Comics #758 [Sasha training day 10]
--Detective Comics #761, Part 2 [Sasha training days 11-17]
 --JLA: Black Baptism #1-4 [overlaps with Sasha training days 11-13]
--Batman: Orpheus Rising #1-5  [overlaps with Sasha training days 14-17]
--Detective Comics #761, Part 3 [Sasha training days 23-30]
--Detective Comics #762
--Second Feature from Detective Comics #761-762
--JLA: Gatekeeper #1-3
--JLA Classified: Cold Steel #1-2
--Batman: Our Worlds at War #1
--JLA: Our Worlds at War #1
--Nightwing: Our Worlds at War #1
--Batman #593-594
--World's Finest: Our Worlds at War #1
--Superman/Batman #64
--Superman/Batman #68-71 ("OUR WORLDS AT WAR" Conclusion)
--Harley Quinn #9-12 ("QUINTESSENCE")
--Harley & Ivy: Love on the Lam
--Batman: Gotham Knights #20-21 ("RETRIBUTION")
--Batman #595
--Batman trains Batgirl, Spoiler, and Sasha separately (r in Batman #595)
--Two-Face tortures Holman Hunt (fb from Joker's Asylum: Two-Face #1)
--Nightwing: The Target 
--Green Lantern—Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan
--Joker: Last Laugh Secret Files #1
--Joker: Last Laugh #1
--Detective Comics #763
--Joker: Last Laugh #2
--Batman: Gotham Knights #22
--Joker: Last Laugh #3-5
--Robin #95
--Action Comics #784
--JLA #59
--Wonder Woman Vol. 2, #174-175
--Joker: Last Laugh #6
--Batman #596
--Detective Comics #764
--Batman: Gotham Knights #23
--a depressed Bruce purchases a handgun (fb from Gotham Knights #24)
--Batman #597
--Detective Comics #765
--JSA #31
--Batman: Gotham Knights #24
--JLA #61
--Batgirl #22-23
--The Power Comany: Sapphire #1
--Batman #598
--Batman: The 10-Cent Adventure #1
--Detective Comics #766
--Batgirl #24
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #65
--Batman: Gotham Knights #25
--Birds of Prey #39
--Robin #98
--Batman #599
--Detective Comics #767
--Nightwing Vol. 2 #66
--Batman: Gotham Knights #26
--Robin #99
--Birds of Prey #40
--Batman #600
--Birds of Prey #41 
--Robin #100
--Batgirl #25 [Batgirl defeats Lady Shiva]
--Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #28 (B&W)
--Second Feature from Detective Comics #770-772 ("JOSIE MAC")
--Second Feature from Batman: Gotham Knights #31 (B&W)
--Batman apprehends Joker, stops nuclear device from exploding (fb from S/B #32)
--Batman keeps nuclear device in Batcave (fb from Superman/Batman #33)