SEE the new and improved updated Modern Age Year One chronology HERE.
This page has not been updated since 2011. For an updated and correct version of this timeline, please redirect to THE REAL BATMAN CHRONOLOGY PROJECT.COM.
Here's the list of Batman's "Year One Era" or, if you prefer, the "Silver Age." These are the first fourteen "official continuity" Batman stories chronologically. Some of them overlap each other and I've indicated where. Also, I just wanted to note that I'm generally not including flashbacks into the numbered time-line because they are just that; flashbacks. By definition, they take place in continuity exactly when they occur. They just look back upon an event/events from that current point. I will, however, for the sake of being comprehensive, make detailed notes where flashbacks occur chronologically. Any character names (or group names) highlighted in red denote the first appearance of a reoccurring character (or group) in the Bat-verse. Some of these red highlighted items may appear only once in the Bat-verse, but appear elsewhere throughout the DCU, and thus have been given the crimson treatment as well.
1. "Batman Year One" by Frank Miller/David Mazzucchelli (Batman #404-407) 1986-1987
This is where it all starts. Batman #404 begins in January, but Bruce doesn't actually become Batman until issue 405 which begins in April. Batman #407 ends in early December of the next year, so here are the first 8 months of Batman's career. We meet Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, baby James Gordon, Jr., Harvey Dent, Sarah Essen, Alfred Pennyworth, Catwoman, Holly Robinson, the corrupt GCPD including Det. Arnold Flass, Carmine Falcone, Sal Maroni, etc. I also wanted to note that Bruce is 25 years old when he returns to Gotham. Bruce's birthday, according to pre-original Crisis stories was February 19, so if this still holds true, then Batman debuts at age 26.
Miller's Year One is literally one year long, spanning January until December. However, since Batman doesn't go out in costume until April, you could argue this is really only the first eight months of his career with a four month prelude. So, for the purposes of this blog, our Bat-years will run from April to March instead of the normal January through December calender years. I should also note that, after all of the insane editorial changes spawned from the results of Zero Hour and subsequent "contemporary time-sliding" (we'll talk about that more later) the correct calendar period for Bat-Year One runs from April 1989 to March 1990. Nuff said!
NOTE: Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper #1-2 by Mindy Newell takes place during Miller's Year One storyline as well, right about now. However, the first two issues (of this four-issue series) are mostly non-canon (except for the certain
aspects–Maggie Kyle is indeed kidnapped by Stan the Pimp and Catwoman is
indeed part-time trained by Wildcat). Early parts of Her Sister's Keeper #1-2 overlap with Catwoman Annual #2 by Jordan Gorfinkel (1995) as well. Catwoman Annual #2 is canon, but Bullock’s appearance must be ignored. Check out the comments section of this post for details about how these Catwoman issues fit into Miller's Year One. Our friend Valheru has worked it out quite nicely.
ANOTHER NOTE: You will have to always completely ignore the coloring of Gordon's hair and chalk it up to artists' liberties. Yes, Gordon has red hair, but sometimes it's grey, and then it turns red again. We just have to assume that he dyes it every once in a while? Oh, and for clarification, Gordon is initially a police lieutenant, but near the end of Miller's Year One, he is promoted to captain.
YET ANOTHER NOTE: Bruce obtains patents on thousands of individualized mechanical parts which he will use over the following decades to create secret Bat-technology and weaponry (as mentioned in Superman/Batman #85). Bruce will also begin pilfering tech from his own company, which at this time is a publicly traded company. Thus, Bruce is technically committing a major string of felonies by defrauding the Wayne Tech stockholders! Oh, well.
2. "Shaman Part 1" by Denny O'Neil/E. Hannigan (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1) Nov. 1989
The first issue of "Shaman" overlaps with Batman #404 and #405. It begins with Bruce's last training stop in Alaska before he comes back home to Gotham for good. This issue concludes with Dr. Leslie Thompkins' first encounter with Batman on his very first night out. Also, the Zero Hour tie-in issue of Detective Comics #0 by Chuck Dixon/Graham Nolan has a notable flashback to Batman's preparations during this time period.
3. "Got a Date With an Angel" by Steve Englehart/J. Pulido (The Batman Chronicles #19, Part 1) Winter 2000
This story specifically details Bruce's 4th through 6th days as Batman, so it also overlaps with Batman #405, especially since in that issue we don't see Batman in action until April 9. In this story, Bruce leaves his girlfriend in order to fight crime full-time. And Brucie thought he could juggle a playboy's social life and vigilantism. Duh, no way.
In a tangential side-note, the story entitled "Clay" by Alan Grant/Quique Alcatena from Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #89-90 might have taken place here and now if it were canon, but it isn't. The story is about Batman's first encounter with one of his famous rogues; Matt Hagen aka Clayface. However, "Clay" is definitely non-canon because this story is actually a pre-Crisis re-imagination of Hagen's original origin story from the 1950s. Not to mention, Basil Carlo is the first Clayface, not Matt Hagen.
NOTE: Batman steals a new version of a high tech grappling gun from his own company and tests it in the field, saving six children from a burning building and stopping a shipment of nerve toxin headed for Gotham Bay (as mentioned in Superman/Batman #86). This story can take place right after "Got A Date With An Angel."
4. "One Night in Gotham City" by John Byrne (The Man of Steel #3)
Superman meets the outlaw Batman for the first time and, reluctantly, teams up with him to defeat Magpie. This story probably takes place in the May and overlaps with a single day of Miller's Year One. "One Night in Gotham City" is still the official canonical first meeting between Batman and Superman, even though much of the original Man of Steel series has since been retconned.
NOTE: The placement of Poison Ivy's debut is a tricky one. In "Year One Poison Ivy" by Alan Grant which is from Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual #3
we meet a violently homicidal Pamela Isley. In this same story we are
told that Batman has been warring against crime for "almost a year"
(which is incorrect). Therefore, this story takes place somewhere
during Miller's Year One. However, this Annual
story cannot be canon because of Isley's initial homicidal nature.
Her first encounters with Batman are more playful than murderous and it
is because of this fact that she is released instead of incarcerated.
We won't see Ivy's slow turn toward the dark side until later on.
Ivy's first appearance should still be placed here on the time-line
(somewhere during Spring).
ANOTHER NOTE: Superman, Batman, and intrepid young reporter Lois Lane track a diamond smuggler aboard the SS Varanian Princess cruise ship (as canonically referenced in Superman #710 and originally told in Superman #76). When the smuggler blends in with the vacationers, Bruce and Clark assume their civilian identities to search the vessel. As fate would have it, Bruce and Clark wind up sharing a cabin and learn each others' secret identities! The World's Finest heroes dodge the snooping Lois and manage to nab the criminal. I should mention that Bruce might have already known that Clark was Superman, having witnessed Clark use superhuman strength a few months earlier.
YET ANOTHER NOTE: The Red Hood incident at Ace Chemicals also occurs now. The Joker is born (as detailed through flashbacks from Alan Moore's Batman: The Killing Joke). This takes place in early September. There are also several significant flashbacks to the origins of the Joker in Batman: Gotham Knights #54. I should mention that Joker's wife was murdered and originally it was made to look like she was accidentally electrocuted. GK #54 retcons Moore's version of the story so that she was murdered and the crime was covered up by a boiler explosion. An apocryphal version of this incident is also shown (as told through a third-hand account by someone who simply read about it in a newspaper) in DC Universe Legacies #3.
NOTE: At this point Batman has brief encounters with both Dr. Death and the Dirigible of Doom. The Dirigible case is part of Grant Morrison's attempt to make more Golden Age stories canon through use of flashbacks in Batman #682 (2009), which we'll see more of later. Dr. Death will rear his evil head again years down the road as one of DC's premier science-villains. The details of these two events are extracted from Detective Comics #29-30 and #33, respectively (both 1939). Batman #682 also gives us more details about this time in Bruce's life (specifically during the Dr. Death case). The Dr. Death case is also highlighted in a single-panel flashback in Batman: Streets of Gotham #20). Bruce barely sleeps anymore and has become a bit obsessive-compulsive. Alfred tells Bruce that he can't neglect his new responsibilities to both Wayne Industries and Julie Madison, who he has just started dating.
ANOTHER NOTE: J'onn J'onzz aka Det. John Jones of the GCPD aka Martian Manhunter meets Batman now (as chronicled in Martian Manhunter Vol. 2 #22). J'onn has been living on Earth since the late 1950s. Originally, he lived in Denver, then Metropolis, then Denver again, and then Gotham (when this story takes place), before eventually moving back to Denver.
YET ANOTHER NOTE: Alfred stitches Bruce up after a particularly bloody night's patrol. While he does so, Alfred tells Bruce of about all the possible different costumed vigilante themes he could have chosen besides that of a Bat (as seen through flashback in Batman #682). Batman #682 also includes a flashback which is an homage to Detective Comics #27, which shows Bruce Wayne laughing off the idea of the existence of Batman in conversation with Lieutenant Gordon.
5. Batman & The Monster Men by Matt Wagner
Bruce's first serious relationship with Julie Madison is highlighted and Batman deals with crime boss Sal Maroni's experiments in conjunction with Hugo Strange to create "monster men" out of mental patients. Batman learns of Strange's connection to the crimes and has his first encounter with the lunatic. However, the Dark Knight is unable to publicly link Strange to the crimes, thus allowing for his appearance in "Prey". Also, the first appearance of one of the many versions of the Batmoblie.
"Monster Men" should start a day after November 3 in Miller's Year One (when Batman has just saved Gordon's infant son's life). Originally, Matt Wagner wrote "Monster Men" to take place immediately after the Red Hood incident. Thus, the following problems must be addressed: The opening scene where Julie and her dad are eating outside on their rooftop patio and she's wearing a sleeveless shirt?-- we'll assume they have heat lamps. Also, in the very same scene, Julie's dad is reading a newspaper with the top-story about the Red Hood incident. We should disregard this too or assume that he is reading an almost two-month old paper. Check out the comments section to see exactly how these next couple of stories fit into Miller's Year One.
6. Batman & The Mad Monk by Matt Wagner
Overlaps entirely with "Prey" running roughly from November 16 to November 20. Batman battles The Brotherhood, a cult led by the vampire known as The Monk and his partner Dala Vadim. Julie Madison, Bruce's first genuine love, can't deal with the fact that he is Batman and leaves Gotham. Batman #682 has a flashback which shows Julie telling Alfred that she is leaving for Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. However, Wagner tells us that Julie winds up in the Peace Corps, so we must assume that Julie is lying to Alfred or she fails in Hollywood before joining the Peace Corps.
7. "Prey" by Doug Moench/Paul Gulacy (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #11-15)
Batman officially outs Hugo Strange as a criminal. This story originally was written to run the course of two full weeks. However, due to editorial compression this story can only span a single week. Thus, it runs roughly from November 16 to November 29. Not only does Batman battle Strange, he defeats Max Cord, the villain known as Night-Scourge. In what may very well be a huge inconsistency, Batman seemingly invents the Batmobile for the first time (again). However, we already know there are many versions of the Batmoblie (even during Batman's early years), so I argue that Bruce has either built a new model or perfected the existing version. Makes sense. Also, Gordon tests the Batsignal for the first time, so this tale has to go before The Man Who Laughs, where Gordon uses the signal again.
NOTE: It is also around this time that Batman is present when Catwoman rescues her sister, Maggie Kyle, from her former pimp, Stan, as chronicled in both Catwoman #3-4 (1989) and Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper #3-4. The epilogue from Her Sister’s Keeper #4 takes place three weeks after the rescue of Maggie and also features Batman (see below). This tale also overlaps with "Prey" and "Mad Monk" taking place roughly around November 21. Oh. and as far as Selina Kyle being a prostitute, she definitely was working the world's oldest profession as a dominatrix for many years, but will later claim that the job was an undercover gig which allowed her to be at the heart of Gotham's seedy underbelly, and thus aided in her training as a thief and a fighter. Either way, Catwoman's official comic book origins begin with prostitution, like it or not.
8. "Guardian" by Alan Brennert/Jose Garcia-Lopez (Batman: Gotham Knights #10, Part 2/Batman: Black & White) Dec. 2000
Batman meets the semi-retired original Green Lantern Alan Scott in this Batman: Black & White tale. Alan Scott was not only the original Golden Age defender of Gotham City, but one of Bruce's childhood heroes.
NOTE: Batman saves Dr. Lynn Eagles from getting mugged and killed (as referenced in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #67). Lynn will repay the favor in a year's time.
ANOTHER NOTE: Batman first meets the criminal Matches Malone right about here (as seen through flashback in Batman #589 by Brian K. Vaughan (2001)). After a confrontation with Batman, Malone fakes his own death and skips town. Believing him to be dead, Batman assumes his identity for future undercover use. Batman #589 also shows a montage (in random order) which depicts several other undercover aliases used by Batman including; henchman-for-hire "Irving O'Neil", a bearded biker guy, a leather-clad Mad Max type, and the scarred army vet character from Frank Miller's Year One. This montage also depicts Batman dressed up as a black man (in blackface no less) during a confrontation with The Joker. This Joker confrontation obviously takes place later.
9. Batman: The Man Who Laughs by Ed Brubaker/Doug Manhke
Batman first encounters The Joker! Approximately three months after the Red Hood incident, placing us at November 29. At the end of Miller's Year One Gordon mentions that The Joker has been making threats to poison the reservoir (specifically Dec. 3). The Man Who Laughs technically begins in late November, but its main action (after Joker threatens to poison the reservoir) takes place in early December after Gordon has been promoted to captain. What I have to say next has nothing to do with The Man Who Laughs, but speaking of the Gotham reservoir, crazy CIA medical researcher Ted Galvin would have been dosing the city's water supply with the experimental drug known as Neurotrol for the past thirty years (as referenced in LOTDK #206). This drug is a direct catalyst for creating so many of Gotham's insane villains which we will meet all throughout the "Year One Era".
NOTE: I've been receiving a few questions about The Joker's origin as told in Batman Confidential #7-12 by Michael Green. While I'm not personally a fan of the Confidential series, the majority of the story-arcs are canon. However, such is definitely not the case for "Lovers and Madmen". Here's why. First of all, the Bat Signal and charitable Wayne Foundation would not have existed yet. (The original Wayne Foundation was Bruce's father's name for the industry end of the business. Bruce will later re-christen the Wayne Foundation as a charitable organization dedicated to helping the destitute). Also, the story tells us that Batman already tried the yellow-oval costume and found it to be "silly". Again, not true. What is silly is the reveal that The Joker pays for Harleen Quinnzell's medical school tuition after meeting her at a bar. Furthermore, at one point Batman authorizes a mob-hit on The Joker. Huh? That sure doesn't sound like the Batman I know. And finally, while I don't think it is necessarily a bad idea to change Joker's origin to a gangster, the Red Hood origin (from The Killing Joke) is without a shadow of a doubt still canon to this day. In fact, the Confidential story "Do You Understand These Rights?" clearly references the Red Hood origin and even shows the red-hooded pre-Joker falling into the vat of chemicals!
I should also mention that Green's storyline was written in conjunction with the release of the film The Dark Knight and it is obviously meant for an audience less familiar with the details of the comics. Basically, this tale is the offspring of Warner Bros. synergy and designed to tie-in with the movie, which is yet another reason why it is non-canon. To reiterate, Confidential, like LOTDK, is a series that can and will contain some out-of-continuity Elseworlds-style stories.
10. "Do You Understand These Rights?" by Andrew Kreisberg/Scott McDaniel (Batman Confidential #22-25) December 2008 to March 2009
This story overlaps with both the end of The Man Who Laughs and the flashback debut heists of the Riddler from Detective Comics Annual #8. The tale shows how, even from behind bars, The Joker has the power to manipulate the outside world to his evil whim. There’s also a trial scene where Joker kills the judge with a peanut. True. Batman uses the “Matches Malone” disguise here as well. Oh, and as mentioned above, Riddler appearance is here too! Realistically, Joker's second trial (the one following the trial where he kills the judge) should take place a few months later (in Bat-Year Two). However, we must assume that the whole affair is a rush-job (as many other DCU court cases are) in order to account for Joker's upcoming Arkham appearances this year.
NOTE: It's smack-dab in the middle of "Do You Understand These Rights?" when Batman first encounters Edward Nashton aka Edward Nigma, better known as The Riddler. His henchwomen Query and Echo debut here as well. There is a great "Riddler Year One" story entitled "Questions Multiply the Mystery" by Chuck Dixon/Kieron Dwyer that is told through flashback from the Riddler's point of view in Detective Comics Annual #8 (1995) that that is likely this series of initial encounters. This Annual actually shows Riddler’s first four heists, all of which occur in quick succession during the same time as “Do You Understand These Rights?” is going on. Riddler’s fifth heist isn’t detailed, but the fifth is a charm so to speak, since Batman nabs him on the fifth job—after which we see him being jailed in “Do You Understand These Rights?”. I also wanted to mention that during one of these first five encounters with the Riddler, Batman keeps a giant question mark as a souvenir. He will later display it in the cave as a trophy. "Questions Multiply the Mystery," is only canon as long as you ignore one Two-Face reference in the Riddler's line of dialogue on page 73: "I wasn't going to play second fiddle to the Joker or Two-Face or any of the wannabes." Thanks to Lane McD on this one!
ANOTHER NOTE: Riddler The coda/epilogue from Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper #4 occurs now. Batman kisses Catwoman for the first time!
YET ANOTHER NOTE: Oswald Cobblepot aka The Penguin
makes his debut around this time. However, his M.O. would be to
commit crimes with the facade of appearing like he is running a
legitimate business, so he won't really be on Batman's true radar until
a bit later. In Batman Annual #11 by Alan Moore
it is revealed that the Penguin has been in and out of prison for at
least ten years prior to Batman's debut. It can be assumed that
Cobblepot's outrageous nature (i.e. use of umbrellas and bird-themed
crime) develops as a direct result of both the Batman's presence and
the ever-changing nature of super-villainy and "popcrime" in Gotham.
11. "Shaman Parts 2-5" by Denny O'Neil/E. Hannigan (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #2-5) Dec 1989 to March 1990
This concludes the Shaman investigation. Bruce says that six months have passed since the events of issue #1. However, it is definitely late-December, which would make it more like eight months, so maybe his recollection is a bit shaky. The conclusion to "Shaman" gives us the origin of the Batcave as Batman deals with the criminals Carl Fisk and Tom Woodley. The scenes which detail the origin of the Batcave aren't written as if they are a flashback, but Bruce has already been using the Batcave for some time now. Therefore, these scenes must be considered a flashback.
Batman and Alfred also travel to Alaska as a part of the investigation and the story ends on Christmas Eve.
NOTE: I originally had Batman: Tenses by Joe Casey/Cully Hammer placed here, but I've gotten an overwhelming reader response that this tale just can't be canon. Thus, I've removed this gory and fun little romp from the list. If you want more details as to why I've done so, just ask.
ANOTHER NOTE: The magician John Zatara (father of Zatanna) teaches Bruce how to throw his voice (as referenced in Detective Comics #827), among other useful talents.
YET ANOTHER NOTE: Bruce attends a charity ball and chats with childhood friend Tommy Elliot (who will become the villain Hush years later). Also present at the party; a teenage Peyton Riley (who will become the second Ventriloquist years later). Tommy and Peyton begin dating. (As seen through flashback in Detective Comics #848-849).
ONE MORE NOTE: Bruce and Alfred visit his parents'
graves. Bruce mentions that he can't date anymore because it will
interfere with his work, suggesting that it's time to end his
relationship with Julie Madison. Alfred reminds Bruce, disgustedly,
that Julie dumped him months ago. Alfred shows Bruce a box of unopened
letters which Julie has been sending to Wayne Manor for months (as seen
through flashback in Batman #682).
12. Batman: Journey into Knight #1-6 by Andrew Helfer/Tan Eng Huat
Wayne officially becomes the Majority Shareholder of Wayne Industries
in this first half of this 12-issue mini series, which makes him the
Chairman of the Board, much to the chagrin of the corporate heads,
especially when the new CEO "sleeps" through every meeting.
first six issues run over the course of three
weeks (starting in February and ending in March, since Bruce's birthday takes place). Batman solves the case of Cary Rinaldi aka The Carrier
who spreads a fatal disease wherever he goes. Bruce's new love
interest, Summer Skye Simmonds, comes into his life. I guess Bruce just can't let go of the ladies after all.
Well there you have it, the first 12 Batman stories, chronologically and continuity-officially speaking, that is. Or if you'd rather, the first 12 months or so of Batman's life, starting from April and ending in March.
Hey, thanks alot for all the work you have done on this chronology. One thing, at the end of Batman & the Mad Monk, Batman mentions that he has heard over the police scanner that a warehouse has been found full of grinning bodies, he thinks gordon will be there and seems to be moving towards it. The man that laughs opens on such a warehouse (no other warehouses are mentioned as being prevously found). Also, in the 2nd issue of Batman and the monster men Batman calls Gordon 'Jim' whereas in journey into knight Jim Gordon tells him to call him Jim as he saved his son. These points considered, shouldn't Journey into Knight and Tenses go before Batman and the Monster Men?
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a reason why I had them listed the other way... so I did the old switcheroo. Thanks for the input. I'm only human, so the more comments and suggestions I get, the more accurate this thing can be! -cc
ReplyDeleteI think "Journey Into Knight" doesn't fit quite well in this chronology, because the Internet is mentioned. Since the story happens in the mid 80's that would be impossible.
ReplyDeleteAccording to our chonology, the "Journey" stories should take place around 1990, so technically there is some sort of primitive Internet. But I def agree with you Vinicius. Topical references to the Internet (and other things) are added by DC editors in an attempt to make Batman seem younger and more contemporary. I think there is a Year One Era story (maybe even "Journey into Knight") which mentions the TV show "American Idol". These topical references must be taken with a grain of salt. Thanks for reading the site and thanks for the comment! -CC
ReplyDeleteWouldn't Mad Monk go before Prey as Gordan is still using the hand held bat transmitter in Mad Monk?
ReplyDelete"The Man Who Laughs" picks up virtually where "Mad Monk" leaves off, so that is why "Mad Monk" is where it is. As far as Gordon still using the hand held device instead of the Batsignal? In "Prey", Gordon first uses the Batsignal, but it certainly isn't a mainstay. Before the GCPD makes a final decision on whether or not the Batsignal stays or goes, I have no doubt that Gordon would still be using the hand held device. -CC
ReplyDeleteA few notes for you as I read along:
ReplyDelete1) For "Shaman, Part 1," you mention "Dr. Leslie Thompkins' first encounter with Batman after his 2nd night out." However, I think this is actually his FIRST night out AS BATMAN, April 6. The passage of time in LOTDK #1 is odd. It LOOKS like Bruce becomes Batman the day after YEAR ONE's botched March 11 adventure in the East End (and the "I shall become a bat" moment), but not only is that not plausible (it only took a day?), 'TEC #0 shows that he didn't become Batman for several weeks afterwards. This not only makes it possible but PROBABLE that Mazzucchelli's image of Batman on the rooftops on April 6 would actually be him on his way to Leslie's clinic.
2) In "Got a Date with an Angel," you say that "we don't see Batman in action until his ninth night out" in BATMAN #405. If you're talking about YEAR ONE's fire-escape robbery where he gets hit with the television, it's actually his FOURTH night out (it's time-stamped as April 9, and he started on the 6th). So it's actually the same night as the robbery in BATMAN CHRONICLES #19 and his first late-date with Viveca Beausoleil. This makes the timeline for that night a little tricky to fit with Miller, but it works roughly as this: Bruce and Viveca have their early-evening dinner date and later Batman breaks up the grocery-store robbery with the bazooka guy and calls Viveca to say he'll be late for their midnight date (all in CHRON #19), then Merkel calls Gordon "about a giant bat" while Batman stops the three guys on the fire escape (in BATMAN #405) on his way to Viveca's (in CHRON #19 again).
3) I think "Waiting in the Wings" has to be in late-June or July. All signs point to the Batman-vs-SWAT-team battle on June 6-7 in YEAR ONE as Batman's first televised appearance (not only for general narrative purposes, but also because people like Loeb and Gordon and Falcone up until that point have no idea what Batman really looks like). "WitW" would contradict that if it were in April, as it televised Batman clearly apprehending the gang holding the theater hostage, even getting his voice on the mike. Unfortunately, that would then mean that Batman had Bruce-voice for 3 months; I think it's best to just treat this as out-of-continuity, though the gist of the story--Alfred helps maintain Bruce's alibis and Bruce changes his voice as Batman--is true.
4) Interestingly, though incontinuitous, the Hagen-Clayface story in LOTDK #89-90 actually rationalizes the timeline. At the beginning of #89, the narration mentions Batman has been active for "three weeks"--meaning April 27 (21 days after his debut on April 6). That night, Batman is beaten up by Clayface so badly that, the next morning (April 28), Alfred says he's going to cancel Bruce's appointments for the day, but worries that the "Bruce is sick" excuse might be getting too suspicious. Fast-forward to June 9 in YEAR ONE, where Gordon and Essen go to Wayne Manor and are told by Alfred that Bruce has been in Switzerland for "six weeks." This six-week period would begin exactly on April 28th. So Alfred didn't go with "Bruce is sick" after all, he sent him to Europe! Too bad the story is about the wrong Clayface; this would be a neat bit of synchronicity.
5) The Poison Ivy story in SotB ANNUAL #3 is probably in mid-December. It's after the debuts of the Joker and Penguin (so the Penguin must've debuted sometime in early-December) since Ivy's goons worked for both of them, and Alfred keeps adding things to Bruce's Christmas list (a Batmobile and a spectrometer). Not sure I'd throw it out of continuity entirely, but I agree that enough of it doesn't quite fit that it's suspect.
Very astute observations Valheru. 1+2--I think you are dead on with both Shaman Part One and Date with an Angel. And I've fixed my typo (9th day meant April 9th). 3--I simply removed "Waiting in the Wings" since it does indeed clearly take place after June. Plus, we already know how vital Alfred is in aiding Bruce's vigilante game. 4--I never understood why Alan Grant wrote a non-canon LOTDK Matt Hagen origin story, when he could have easily done exactly what you suggest. 5--I've moved the debuts of Poison Ivy and Penguin to December.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading! And thank you for fixing the chronology! With more and more "diver's hands" input like yours, this timeline is becoming more cohesive, detailed, and legitimate by the day.
Still working my way through the list, but I wanted to chime in and say that I worked the chronology of MONSTER MEN/MAD MONK/MAN WHO LAUGHS. Here's the short of it: Since MWL begins on November 29 (Chris Miller's DCU Chronology site has November 30, but because the attack on the Gotham Reservoir is after midnight on Dec 3, it seems Miller needs to add a day), at the farthest stretch of plausibility MONSTER MEN begins on November 13, though there's some play in MONSTER MEN's internal chronology that could push it back to November 8. Because the Gordon/Batman "partnership" depicted by Wagner and then Brubaker didn't begin until after he saves Barbara Sr. and James Jr. on November 3, that gives 5 days of flexibility for Julie Madison's departure before the final panel of MAD MONK and the start of MWL. I know you're doing a reading order more than a strict chronology, but this does at least confirm the consistency between Wagner, Brubaker, and Frank Miller's timeline.
ReplyDeleteOh, and am I brain-farting, or has no one in all the near-hundreds of Year One Era stories given the mayor of Gotham City a name? Given how ubiquitous (though often confusingly) Commissoners Loeb and Grogan are, you'd think someone would at least name the guy. Same thing with the District Attorney (especially considering how untouchable and public Harvey Dent is as ADA, you'd think he'd have run-ins with his boss in much the same way Gordon does with Grogan and Loeb).
ReplyDeleteHER SISTER'S KEEPER is a chronological mess to work through, but here's the Cliff Notes:
ReplyDeleteThe opening scenes in HSK #1 roughly intertwine with the first two pages of CATWOMAN (YEAR ONE) ANNUAL #2, which is somewhere in Early-to-Mid-Year 0 (or Year -1, whatever...the year before Year One) according to CAT:Y1's internal chronology.
The first Y1 scene in HSK, then, is the replay of Bruce's First Night Out in the East End on March 11 in Miller's BATMAN: YEAR ONE (#404).
Maggie is kidnapped on Aug 6, the night before Catwoman's official debut on Aug 7 (BATMAN #407).
HSK #2 shows Selina "soliciting" Jefferson Skeevers during his bail period, Sept 7-11 (Miller's calendar is iffy here) according to BATMAN #407.
The climax in HSK #3 must be after the first Bat/Cat encounter, in BATMAN #407, at Falcone's on Nov 2; it must also be after the second meeting, in MAD MONK #1, around November 17-22. The "safe" place for it is November 22-29, between the last two panels of MAD MONK #6, which means Maggie's been missing for almost 4 months.
Meanwhile, CAT:Y1's climax (Catwoman vs. Hellhound) is on Dec 2, the night Joker attacks Bruce Wayne and Judge Lake in MAN WHO LAUGHS.
And HSK #4's coda ("three weeks" after Maggie is rescued) is around Dec 13-20.
The whole thing SORT OF works, though it'd be much easier to just ignore HSK. Unfortunately, Brubaker drew from it, so even though HSK is OOC, we can't be sure which parts. The good news is that HSK doesn't throw anything IN-continuity out of whack, so while it's a tight and odd fit, it's not anathema yet.
Also, I just noticed that the dates in the BAT:Y1 tpb (6th printing) are different than in the original issues (for example, Gordon and Essen's kiss on "September 7" in the tpb are on "September 5" in the issue). WTF, DC?
And while I'm thinking about it, any ideas on what the "four daring cat-burglaries" are as mentioned in BATMAN #407 (before Catwoman burgles Carmine Falcone)? Burglary #4 is the theft of Loeb's pop-memorabilia collection, and CAT:Y1 places Burglary #1 at the Peterson Pier Mall. HSK #2 shows Selina and Holly after a robbery, but Selina pointedly mentions that there's "not even one word on the tube or in the papers" about it (so it wouldn't be included with the 4). So what are the middle two?
ReplyDeleteAgain, excellent work fitting in everything neatly into Miller's Year One. And working in "Her Sister's Keeper" is no easy task either. As far as the "cat burglaries" go, we must assume that the other two were simply random acts of thievery which take place off-panel. Oh, and Wilson Klass is Gotham's mayor during Miller's Year One. Klass (as referenced in "Prey" is mayor for our first couple years, followed by Hamilton Hill, Mayor Skowcroft (as referenced in "Swamp Thing"), Julius Lieberman, Armand Krol, Marion Grange, Charles Chesterfield, Daniel Dickerson, David Hull, an unnamed female, and Sebastian Hady (who is the current mayor).
ReplyDeleteThe only time after the "Gordon Family Rescue" in YEAR ONE on November 3 that Gordon can have his 5-day detente with Batman is during the "Julie Departure Gap" at the end of MAD MONK, which means the 14 days of PREY end on November 29, the same day as the final panel of MAD MONK and the beginning of MAN WHO LAUGHS. Without getting into the details (yes, this is the CONDENSED explanation!), it solidifies the November timeline as thus: Gordon Family Rescue (Y1) on the 3rd; MONSTER MEN from the 4th to the 15th; MAD MONK (until Julie is rescued) from the 16th to the 20th; PREY running concurrently from the 16th to the 29th; and MAN WHO LAUGHS from the 29th to December 3rd. It also forces the climax of HER SISTER'S KEEPER to November 21st (before their fourth encounter in PREY 3 on the 22nd)--with MAD MONK over, it's the only "light" night Batman has in November to do it--and its coda at Maggie Kyle's mission around December 12th. Amazingly enough, the chronologies all coincidentally line up (for instance, the night Julie stakes-out Wayne Manor in MAD MONK is the same night that Batman has to walk back home in PREY, not getting back until the daytime). The Batmobile's "debut" in PREY can be explained away by saying that it got wrecked when Bats crashed it into Falcone's in MONSTER MEN, so he had to rebuild it (and just ignore it's one use in MAD MONK). The only real conundrum is Hugo Strange's personality/motive change from MONSTER MEN to PREY, but that can't be helped.
One interesting tidbit in PREY is where Gordon refers to the "acting commissioner" (emphasis his). I think it's safe to say that a lot of the commssioner-confusion that pops up around this time can be fanwanked as Grogan acting as commissioner despite Loeb still holding onto the official position.
And not to nitpick, but where does Gordon refer to the Joker in PREY? I never found it.
ReplyDeleteAs you note, DYUTR picks up where MAN WHO LAUGHS ends, on December 3. Joker's first court appearance is sometime before December 13. As the pre-trial phase was originally set at four weeks (and that's before he started killing people), we can assume that his trial lasts well into the middle of Year Two, with his incarceration at Arkham no later than Riddler's capture in late-July, probably sometime in June. Of course, we must ignore the weird "Arkham Estates" thing (Arkham was already set to reopen as an asylum in MAN WHO LAUGHS).
RIDDLER: YEAR ONE portrays the four major Riddler heists (he had some small-time, non-riddle muggings in there, too) mentioned at the end of DYUTR--the Everest Theater (his paltry debut), the Lighthouse Club, the Reservoir Cash Depository, and the two-part Stradivarius Kidnapping (after which Bats captures him). The second heist, at the Lighthouse Club, occurs at 2:29 am on July 4th (the time and date are part of the riddles), and since DYUTR states the Riddler's crimes are all within the month, we can assume that the Stradivarius Kidnapping and the final scene of DYUTR is during the final week of July (even though Batman catches Riddler during his FIFTH heist, it's technically the second part of the fourth riddle-set).
I should note that I'm skipping JOURNEY INTO KNIGHT until I've worked the rest of the timeline through LONG HALLOWEEN, mainly because JIK seems the most out-of- or at least fuzzily-in- continuity of the Year One Era storylines and specificity may be in vain. As it is, though, your placement of JIK #1-6 seems correct--it is concurrent with PREY and MAD MONK in November.
Pfft. Just realized I used "July" for the Riddler's debut rather than "March" (the clue for the Lighthouse Club said "march forth," and I guess I started hearing patriotic marching music in my head and put it on the 4th of July). So all of the July references in the above post should really be March, and the June reference should be February, and I'll go have my head examined...
ReplyDeleteTESTAMENT (LOTDK #172-176)
ReplyDeleteTakes five days--Rough Justice's rampage is four days, and then the next-day coda with the new deputy commish. And because we're dealing with deputies, we can assume that this is either during Loeb or Grogan's commisionerships when Gordon hadn't yet become a "political" force in the GCPD.
But other than that, the only clues we have to placement are that a) Gordon and Bats are "friends," so we're after Nov 3, Y1; b) there's a Batmobile, so after its debut in MAD MONK on Nov 15, Y1; c) there's a Batsignal, so after its debut in MAN WHO LAUGHS on Dec 3, Y1; but d) it's before Gordon's promotion to commissioner (or deputy, for that matter). (There's also the fact that Bruce's card says he's President and CEO of Wayne Industries, which fits after JOURNEY INTO KNIGHT #6) Though TESTAMENT could theoretically be concurrent with SHAMAN in Dec Y1, I agree with your placement--it just feels like a calendar-Year 2 tale.
As I get ready to tackle Year 2, I don't want to leave Year 1 behind without trying to tackle the Penguin. Is his first canonical appearance now in IRRESISTIBLE, or is it still DETECTIVE #58? And how many appearances before he shows up as a full-fledged (ahem) supervillain in LONG HALLOWEEN #13?
ReplyDeletePenguin definitely makes an appearance(s) before "Irresistible", sometime in Year One (as referenced in his 'tec #58 debut if you like). Penguin would have been a notorious quasi-Gotham celebrity criminal/club-owner for nearly a decade before Batman's first appearance.
ReplyDeleteTakes somewhere around two weeks but no fewer than seven days, shortly after Christmas (Bruce attends a post-Christmas Christmas party in the first issue, and Gotham is just getting into blizzard season). So yeah, early- to mid-January.
To be honest, I really think TENSES should be OOC. It's a good story on its own merits, but its one of those tales that makes a mess of the mythos surrounding it. In addition to the implausibilities you mentioned in your entry, it screws too much with the Year 1 narrative. Ted Krosby, not the Joker, commits the worst crime of the decade? Bruce Wayne is a corporate hardass instead of a clueless playboy? Alfred is nowhere to be seen? It reminds me of "Waiting in the WIngs," which similarly told an in-continuity idea in a way that couldn't actually fit continuity. Is there a story about Bruce's odd business decisions with Wayne? Yes; but this cannot be that story.
Batman never learns of Strange's connection to the crimes; their first real encounter is isn't until later. Also, the first appearance of one of the many versions of the Batmoblie
ReplyDeleteI kind of have to dispute that description (from batman and monster men).. There is clearly a scene (in issue #3) in which Batman (the ultimate detective) discovers that Strange is in dealings with Sal... and even finds the hideout of Strange.... Strange and Batman fight and Batman is almost killed after being lured into fighting with the monsters.....
So to make a long story short..... Batman does figure out (imo) Stranges connection with the crime, however he can prove anything (he even says this himself) since strange gets away at the end and since strange also burnt down the facility which Batman discovered (there's a great scene that depicts this 2 )...
Also I would contend that this a 'real encounter' ...since strange and him do fight and chat...and since bruce also gets to hear (via Tv) the Dr. philosophize on T.v. over him (which occurs later in prey 2).
JEEZ, you are totally right on that one. I've made the appropriate changes. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNah that's cool, this list is awesome, NEVER TAKE IT DOWN!!!!! I'm reading straight down from it, im on #11 (my first time reading the batman comics in depth, the way the time in comics is setup is crazy)... Ill probably be commenting as I finish years (which will take me a while ;c....)......
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about the story: The Man Who Falls?? Would this be cannon or not?
ReplyDelete"Tenses" could definitely take place after issue 6 of "Journey into Knight". The short-story "Favourite Things" could be placed in Year One, following "Journey into Knight" issue 6, and preceding "Tenses" (it would connect well to Bruce's 'nothing from his childhood should be moved' thing going on in "Journey into Knight" Issue 4).
ReplyDeleteBruce Wayne being a "corporate hardass" could be one of the changes he is going through spinning out of "Journey into Knight" 1-6, only to realise that it is a wrong decision to make (he says himself in "Journey into Knight" Issue 6 that his new position at Wayne Enterprises is making his head spin, and that he is totally unqualified. This would definitely lead to him making some pretty shitty decisions.
As for Ted Krosby committing worse crimes than the Joker, I would have to agree with that at this point in Batman's career. The Joker did some terrible things, yes, but his masterplan failed. The crimes he committed in "The Man Who Laughs" and "Do You Understand These Rights?" come close to the crimes of Ted Krosby, yes. But to EAT people? To wear your father's FACE? That definitely WOULD have been the worst crime thus far (and the public don't really know that "The Carrier" was purposely spreading the 'disease')
So, all in all, I'd say that "Tenses" DOES fit, and that "Favourite Things" may well serve best in Year One, taking place in the following order:
The Man Who Laughs
Do You Understand These Rights?
Journey into Knight 1-6
Favourite Things
Testament (explains the absence of Batman's "journal" in the rest of Journey into Knight)
Journey into Knight 7-12
I myself am working on a Batman Chronology project of my own, a countless number of comic torrents in volumes titled The Batman Collection (will initially be a Demonoid exclusive, then later released through other sites).
I have found this blog to be an excellent source to cross-reference my own project, and thankfully, ours are relatively the same (although I have to shift things around for the readers' sake)
Keep up the fantastic work!
Just went back and checked, Batman still keeps a journal in "Journey into Knight 7-12", so "Testament" would come after it.
ReplyDeleteHe could well pick up his writing again following "Gothic", which could also signify the first entry of "The Black Casebook", which he begins writing 'on-case' in the following story, "Flyer".
DC: "The Man Who Falls" will be inserted soon.
ReplyDeleteMiTT3NZ: Thanks for the input! Tenses is a very controversial storyline. Many people have E-mailed be both pro and con. I'll have to examine it a bit further. I've made some of the other changes you recommended though, so take a gander! -collin c
When I've made enough progress to start uploading the first five volumes, I'll send the details to you so you can have a scan through it yourself.
ReplyDeleteI know this will probably make you cringe, but I don't really care whether or not a story is officially cannon or not. After all, it's all fictional therefore a non cannon story is just as valid as a cannon story. If there's a way that a "non cannon" story can somehow fit in without causing a plot hole, I put it in my collection. I generally disregard certain "cannon" events involving the JLA anyways if I'm merely interested in the Year One Era.
ReplyDeleteHey Treehouse ! I just read Monster Men/Prey/Mad Monk in that order and it doesn't really fit (even by admitting that the last two occurs concurrently). I think it would be more relevant to place Mad Monk before Prey for these reasons :
ReplyDelete- the hand held bat-transmitter
- Gordon's mention at the beginning of Mad Monk that they can't prove Dr. Strange guilt (they can in fact because in Prey, Strange kidnapped the mayor's daughter)
A better reading order would be Monster Men/Mad Monk except the last couple of pages/Prey/Mad Monk's last pages, right ? So it would be more relevant to place Mad Monk before Prey in your chronology don't you think ?
Two more stories you should probably include: Make a brief note of his parent's murder as told in Batman-Who He Is and How He Came To Be. Also, Batman: Blind Justice occurs before Year One and details his training.
ReplyDeleteUnderstood, for purposes of reading order, I will switch these overlapping tales on my chronology! Thanks for reading!
Those are great stories, but those flashbacks take place technically BEFORE Year One. I wish I had done a chronology of Bruce Wayne's ENTIRE LIFE, since there are a myriad of flashbacks to his youth as a child and his training in the decade prior to becoming the Dark Knight. Unfortunately, these tales will go unheralded in the annals of this chronology, which begins when Bruce first wears the costume. That's how it'll stay...for now. ;-)
I just realized my list of Gotham's mayors is a bit wrong. Here is the correct list: Wilson Klass is Gotham's mayor during Miller's Year One. Klass (as referenced in "Prey" is mayor for our first couple years, followed by an unnamed male (who is quickly assassinated in "Gotham After Midnight"), Hamilton Hill, Mayor Skowcroft (as referenced in "Swamp Thing"), Julius Lieberman, Armand Krol, Marion Grange, Charles Chesterfield, Daniel Dickerson, David Hull, an unnamed female, and Sebastian Hady (who is the current mayor).
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this list; I've always wanted to get into Batman.
ReplyDeleteI noticed though that "Do you understand these rights?" is listed as issues 22-23, but the story is actually told over issues 22-25
thank YOU! -CC
ReplyDeleteThe man who falls still not on the big board :(.
ReplyDeleteEven though Tenses is deleted, I still found it to be an interesting read, thanks for recommending it.
"The Man Who Falls" IS on the big board! See Bat-Year 11 under "Secret Origins of...". However, I did have it mislabeled as "The Man Who FELL" which is probably why you couldn't find it in search. The correction has been made!
ReplyDeleteAh i see now, COOL!!!!!! On a side note, if they relaunch does the old version (I guess what we are discussing). Become like a volume 1 for comics? One more detour, who is your favorite Joker from the movies or tv shows.(and which series/edition of the comics do you think they resemble more)... I like Ledger, but I do not like the balance he has with the character, Hamil is just so cool for me, what do u think?
ReplyDeleteWell, it depends on how drastic the relaunch really is... if the majority of this chronology is going to be rendered non-canon (and I'm thinking mostly due to Superman, JLA stuff) come September, then I might leave this intact and start up another brand new chronology. But don't worry, I'd never get rid of this blog (I've put countless hours, days, months into this project already).
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the detour... Hamil definitely defines the Joker character as he was meant to be. No one does the voice better. I also like Ledger, but agreed, there is something a bit off, but I think it has more to do with the overall film's directing (don't like Chris Nolan, sorry fans). Also, David Goyer is a hack (except for Dark City). That being said, I've always been a HUGE fan, ever since I was little, of Jack Nicholson's performance in Tim Burton's Batman. Chris Sims and David Uzumeri recently did a pretty scathing review of Burton's Batman for ComicsAlliance, and stated "Nicholson's not so much acting as being himself and occasionally doing a Cesar Romero impression." Harsh, but I love him as Joker! Nicholson channeling Romero? Works for me. I wonder what Ledger channeling Romero would have been like?
I guess we shall see what happens and see how drastic the relaunch really, however i am glad to hear that this awesome site will remain up.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to that review, for me it does not matter if Jack is acting as himself... because quite frankly the guy does not have to act he is the Joker of real life (on film for me). I think Jack is the most entertaining Joker, but Hamil's voice work as you mention is just spot on (mixed with cartoon aspect gives him a certain advantage).
Yes, I agree with your comments on Ledger, perhaps its more of a side effect from the directing/screen writing. Ledger's take on Romero's work would have been interesting though (I just thought his joker was a bit too malicious to the point where he loses his originality and just becomes another film terrorist).
Also I Burtons We shall see how Bane is portrayed next though ( it can not possibly be worst than last time)
EDIT: OOPS....Also I think Burton's Batman is really dark, not sure why some people (with the new batman) seem to forget this so easily. Anyways We shall see how Bane is portrayed next though ( it can not possibly be worst than last time).
ReplyDeleteWanted to note that in "Favorite Things" there is a frame showing the batcave with both the dinosaur and the giant penny.
ReplyDeleteThere's also a quote from a blind girl named Tabitha that Batman brings flowers: "Do I really still look pretty, Batman? After all these years?"
She has known Batman for -years-. Also, yellow circle suit Batman. I think this one is nowhere near Year One.
Just reread the Poison Ivy Year One annual. While it's certainly sketchy canon, your note might be better placed a bit earlier. Gordon hasn't been promoted to captain yet, and Batman is still riding around on his motorcycle. Even mentions getting a car sooner or later. :D
ReplyDeleteI moved Poison Ivy's debut up way earlier. SotB Annual #3 is a continuity mess. But I think Poison Ivy could have debuted pretty early as you say, bluexy. Hope everyone agrees!
ReplyDeleteOh and I moved "Favorite Things" from X-mas Year One to X-mas Year Two. The quote doesn't imply that Tabitha has known Batman for years, it merely addresses the fact that Tabitha is old and Bruce is being nice to her. Furthermore, Batman IS NOT wearing his yellow-oval costume in this story. HOWEVER, the T-Rex and Giant Penny are present, so Year Two it goes! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteSomethin about HSK and CY1 that's been really buggin me... Exactly HOW do they co-exist? I need it for my own project, obviously, and the way I see it is that either two can exist, but not both. There's nothing that suggests HSK isn't canon except for CY1 and CY1 alone. HSK is referenced in other stories, yet CY1 isn't.
ReplyDeleteCould it just be a case of DC intending something to be canon, but it just couldn't possibly fit (like the Batman & Robin Scarecrow Year One or Kevin Smith's last couple of Mini-Series)? I think this is probably the case, so unless I know how the two can co-exist, I'd suggest fuckin off CY1 and replacing it with HSK.
ReplyDeleteIt is tough indeed. CY1 is supposed to be the canon story, but HSK is often referenced. So basically parts of both are canon. I'd say HSK#1 and #2 are non canon, except for the fact that Catwoman does train with Wildcat and Maggie is kidnapped. After that, most of HSK#3 and HSK#4 meshes with CY1. Of course, Bullock wouldn't be around in CY1, so that must be ignored.
But your idea seems valid as well. One could also assume that CY1 is non-canon, but specific parts are canonized such as Selina's underground kung-fu training and battles with Hellhound.
ReplyDeleteI must say, just finished collecting most if not all modern age batman stories and then found this page by accident of all things. And I LOVE IT! I am ignoring MSK personally, but now that I have a listing of EVERY story arc for re-reading purposes I am overjoyed. Too many other sites ignore smaller stories altogether which usually angers me. But I am rambling and look forward to many a conversations on this blog from now into the near future. Another kindred spirit that loves the bat but rationalizes action and coherency and I thought I was a bat nerd. Cheers and Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThanks Anon, I appreciate your support!
DeleteHi there! I realize it has been a while since this topic has been completed or posted on, but I stumbled across it on accident and was thoroughly impressed. I refer to it quite frequently now. Thanks for all the work on it!
ReplyDeleteNow, a random question: do you have an estimate for how old Jim Gordon was in Batman: Year One? I'm having trouble determining his age, but since I'm relatively new to comics, I figured I'd ask someone as seasoned as yourself. Any help would be appreciated!
As Chris J. Miller notes, Frank Miller's "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" reveals that Gordon is fifteen years older than Bruce. I know "Dark Knight Returns" is a part of an alternate universe, but it still links to Miller's "Year One." Thus, the internal logic of this age differential probably can be applied to the Earth-0 Modern Age DCU. SO, if Bruce is 25-26 in "Batman: Year One," Gordon is probably around 40-years-old in that same story.
DeleteWow! He's pretty spry for a forty-year-old. Also, I'm ashamed of myself: I OWN "The Dark Knight Returns" and have read it multiple times, but never caught the remark about fifteen years of age difference. I'll have to go track it down.
DeleteSorry I posted as Anon, the first time. Took me a second try to figure out the posting client.
Thanks for the reply! You're a great help.
I haven't read "TDKR" in a while, but I think there is a scene that mentions Gordon's 70th b-day. From that, we can figure the fifteen year difference.
DeleteAh, good call! Thanks for the info. Great help!
DeleteI would like to say that east or west Batman is the best , Thanks so much for this wonderful content
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